[@Yukitamas] While his master spoke with his fellow seer on the phone, the Rider of Black contemplated the situation. It was a simple trap. The disease was there to force them to act before this mess escalated too much, but raiding the ship (a Carabela- a Spanish ship- the grail told him) had terrible odds. Whoever this enemy Rider was, he probably would be at his strongest on his ship. A captain always was. Plus, Jason was sure that the moment the Rider was close to being defeated, an ally would distract them and allow the purple servant to escape. That was what Jason, himself, would do in that sort of situation. So in the end, what they should do is deal with the cause of the urgency- the toxin itself. [color=aba000]"You are right, there is no point in staying here. A true hero is clever enough to avoid obvious bait.”[/color] Then, Rider leaned down, and whispered, [color=aba000]“Master, there are several good doctors among the other mages, correct? Let’s find one and get them to deal with this. I am sure this smallpot thing is nothing for these great mages, right?”[/color] Of course, they wouldn’t compare to that great doctor in his old crew, but beggars can’t be choosers. If all failed, he would just show one of his new crewmates how to do it right. If he could deal with the bait fast, while he allowed the others to fight off with the purple Ride for him. Then when that Rider retreated, he would use that chance to ambush the enemy instead! Yes, that was a truly perfect plan that only could come from a genius like him! Plus saving the city would make him look better to the other servants. He had to present his best foot forward to start recruiting for his new crew. So with a grin, he pointed towards where their base- the Palaiogos mansion- was. [color=aba000]“Master, we will make our proper debut after we deal with this mess. We need to set up a bigger stage that can be worthy of heroes like us. For now, just call the others and we can be there in a flash with my ship!” [/color]