I'm kind of interested in making another nation... I'll do the rest later [hider=Possible nation] Nation Name: Aegaeon Government Form: Oligarchy/Dictatorship Demographics: Homo sapiens, Triops sapiens Population: 1 Billion: Human 1 billion: Triops --- Link to pictures (same link just scroll down more): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgSjKwsJyf4UcJ4dvTU5nerJ45c_LMClrnPjNHXZLa0/edit --- Planet Name and Description: (So where did your Colony end up? What's the environment like?) History: (What happened after your Colony landed? This can be as brief or detailed as you like.) Culture and Society: (How do they live? Anything from ritual cannibals, to a surveillance state dystopia, to an integrated hivemind.) --- Governance and Politics: (Like the government form field, but more room for detail. If your Colony has changed in such a way that it doesn't even have a government or politics anymore, this is also a good place to talk about that.) Technology Overview: (What have your people invented? Or have they forgotten anything?) Military Overview: (This is the space to talk about any offensive capabilities you have. Given that most of these Colonies have been essentially stranded by themselves for three centuries, I don't imagine anyone has a large "conquer other planets" level fleet yet. But maybe your Colony has been in civil war for a hundred years, and has built up an impressive military in that time. Or maybe they even had to fend off a genuine alien invasion.) --- Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.) [/hider]