[color=598527]"No plan, however good, survives first contact with reality. Given how many oddities and abnormalities are apparently going on, shouldn't be too surprising the posts are abandoned..."[/color] V mentioned being safe if they intended to escort them back after all, though Walker didn't believe that for a second. Oh no, escorts weren't always a safety thing. There were plenty of times that an escort was there to make sure the person being guided didn't wander where they weren't supposed to go and were shuffled along straight to where they belong. He raised an eyebrow as the golem went about answering his question in a vague and unhelpful manner. Well, he could understand that at least. Instead of mage trickery she had 'words' of power? That made her even more dangerous if she could do the worst that a mage could do with a single word. [color=598527]"Swordplay, words of power, and raw strength. No small wonder no one seems to get in her way when possible..."[/color] The...absurd abomination of wood, metal, and steam was lumbering in the distance, and he could see smaller than expected figures running and clambering around. Dwarves, if he could tell right, it was oddly relieving to see those shorties still at work building all sorts of absurd machinery and inventions, though they always worked rather well. The thundering roar it emitted sounded like a horn. Warning, probably, if he was to hazard a guess, though he did move a hand to the hilt of his sword just in case. The Brass Bastards, now that was a properly Dwarven name, though the continued remarks from the golem caught his attention. Once Kaath caught up she'd butcher the band? Well when you wielded as much power as she did, really could do just about whatever you wanted. Best option was to stay out of her way, second best was to not piss her off. Third, it sounded like, was slash your own throat if she wanted you dead, probably be less painful that way. The golem offered apologies about things really not going along as they normally would, and he shrugged idly. [color=598527]"That kind of damage all but screams her preferred sword, near as I was able to tell. Good news, this wasn't a fight, it was a butchering."[/color] The condition of the camp was...sadly familiar. Too many bands of resisting soldiers and conscripts had been busy in such hastily erected camps only to get overrun by the invading forces without warning, getting slaughtered when they were too tired or preoccupied, or even damn foolish, to run. Walker started picking through the ruined camp, glancing back at the mention of a mercy killing. Talk about diplomacy, but Walker focused on finding anything of value that had been abandoned in the fighting and fleeing that had happened here. Might find something of value, be it the former belongings of others, or something more practical. Either way, the dead didn't need their trinkets or items anymore. He listened to the back and forth while he looted the camp of anything of value. [color=598527]"Some mercy that is, and I'm pretty sure you can see what happened."[/color]