[quote=@KenjuGuy] i see what you mean, i just wanted our (i assume) Captain of the team to look strong. [/quote] I understand and thanks! Yeah I guess I forgot to give my own guy a chance to shine but I’m sure I’ll have a chance later on. [@Double] Understood. I’ll keep that in mind next post. [hr] Also I’d like opinions for how team fights will be. This is what I’ve got so far. [hider=WARS Format] Battle Format: WARS (Warships, mobile ARmors, and Support fighters) A format that was created and popularized a few years ago and has become the standard of Japan’s regionals and nationals tournaments. This format allows the use of all types of gunpla and consists of teams of 2-5 people, and 1 Haro (a standardized AI fighter that are mostly used to pilot warships and support fighters). Each team starts with the same amount of points. And whichever team runs out of both points or units first loses. Each unit has its own value with mobile suits valued at 1000 points, support fighters at 300, mobile armors at 1500, and warships at 2000 points. An example of how it’d work would be if Riku went and used a Leo and got it destroy, and the round isn’t over yet and our team has the points, he can buy his Metal Angel and redeploy. Also if the Metal Angel wanted to use the AGE system there’d need to be a warship that houses the machine on the map. There are also Objective WARS, which are the same thing but each team has a secondary objective that must be completed or they lose. I was hoping that could give flexibility for both Rpers and enemies. Any thoughts on this? [/hider]