[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191011/0da0e404d59353936a9ff3356140c3e8.png[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/EzcDOaRFkDUsM/source.gif[/img] [i][@Morose][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DarkKhaki]Sierra Finley[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/PHZoEawqYBfTq/source.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camelot, Merlin's Tower Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Sierra quickly turned around to see the door opening seeing both Colby and Matt coming out from the door that had led down into the catacombs. She was kind of glad that the two of them were okay, and weren't dead or captured or anything like that really as she turned towards the door hearing a voice coming from it. "You have ten seconds to open the door or we will break it down." The guard said as Sierra went over towards a nearby window seeing what looked like one of those SWAT battering rams that the police used to break into buildings to do police raids and drug busts she could see more guards were starting to gather now. Merlin looked towards Colby telling them what the situation was guards coming here was really troubling he wasnt sure if it was Rumple who had told them about the tower or not, or if it was from earlier in the day when they tried to escape Camelot. "I'm going to need you guys to buy me a little bit of time." Merlin instructed as he went over towards a nearby book and pulled it out, on the cover had what looked to be the tower itself drawn over the cover. Inside the book looked like there were some spells and runes as well, Sierra took a moment and looked at it looked a bit confusing to her as Merlin found the page and started the spell. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Layla Hood[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/320600940/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camelot, Merlin's Tower Skills: Throwing knives[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Red looked over towards Rose and gave her daughter a smile turning towards Merlin and gave him a nod. "On it." she said as she went and grabbed a nearby weapon along with Hansel and Gretel ready to defend the tower. The guard had just finished the count down and the banging started. The first hit hadn't done much other than to cause the door to shake and rattle slightly, then the next hit happened and the door started to splinter and crack. Layla reaching for a throwing knife she had hidden, as another loud bang happened and the door started to crack even more. And then on the next ram happened a hole appeared in the door where the breaching tool had made, Layla saw that opening and quickly knelt down and threw the knife managing to get it through the hole. She heard a loud yell and a thud as the guard dropped the battering ram. Another guard quickly went in and picked it up, and this time the door fell down there were around twenty guards now just outside of the tower, while Merlin still looked like he was getting the wards for the tower up still.