Lizzy just nodded, her eyes wide and hands shaking. This was a little embarassing, she had to admit. If she had known someone was watching her she might have stifled her trauma as best as possible but this luchadore caught her off guard. Apparently, he was a ranger. 'Distracted' mean while that disgusting, evil creature is devouring the flesh of a human being? Right. Everyone was so jaded these days. This car was good sign. She needed one at some point if she was going to get out of here and to a place that had some real sustainability to it. While she was confident she could find a working car on her own, this one was right here. And currently this wrestler ranger scavenger, whoever he was, was offering her a seat in it. Heart pumping, Lizzy did as she was instructed. Quickly and quietly she entered the passenger seat. Unlike him, she didn't buckle up. [color=fff79a]"Okay, go. Go, go, go!"[/color] She whispered urgently to him, her eyes glued on the spot where she last saw the fly. [color=fff79a]"Get us the fuck out of here."[/color] The girl had her hand on the armrest and wrapped around the handle above the passenger door, her knuckles white. She wasn't sitting as much as she was hovering over the seat.