[hr][hider=The Prince and His Bride]][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c5cedc3e-5664-4d87-8f61-534ccf5c77c5.png[/img][/center][hr][indent]Once the class was dismissed, Veronica let out a huff. Uncrossing her legs, she promptly stood from her seat. The anger she had was no longer boiling, but she was still seething for the most part. She didn’t care much for the village, albeit having to explain her wound when they returned was less than amusing. Admitting that the bitch got one over her was already humiliating enough as it was, but that knowledge spreading was, quite frankly, terrible. She had spent most of her time keeping to herself before deciding to formally report the incident to her Head of House. Professor Malathice was as effective as a half-melted candle, but she would rather start a paper trail in case she needed it better. She’d deal with the ice bitch later, she needed to get even and would rather make sure to properly plan things. In the meantime, she had a date with someone that was going out of their way to avoid her. With all the poise of someone expected of her station, she approached the prince with confidence, crossing her arms as she leveled a look on him. [color=lightsalmon]“May we speak, Your Highness?”[/color] She asked loudly enough that anyone that would close would hear. If he was going to worm his way out of this one, she was going to make it as public as possible. Kayden himself had been having a fair day so far, but the deceptively pleasant voice resonated through him like the gong before a beheading. He lurched to a stop and had a sudden fight or flight response, midnight blue eyes searching for any exit. However, his mind caught up with him and he sighed. Truth be told he realized he had been snagged. It was the perfect move, to catch him when he was tired. He supposed it was also...princely...to inquire about her health. [color=4851AA]“Yes,”[/color] He said, voice smooth as silk. He bowed. [color=4851AA]“I think I have a...short amount of time.”[/color] An arm was extended for her to take, though if she spurned it he was not going to complain. [color=4851AA]“Shall we take a walk or would you like to speak here?”[/color] He was on the cusp of saying ‘argue here’ but he caught himself just a moment before. He supposed he couldn’t blame her for wanting to speak to him. He had been rather evasive, and regardless of the individual, that wasn’t usually welcomed. Despite being entirely unamused by the less-than-convincing response, Veronica supposed that the fact that the prince hadn’t turned tail and ran was a positive surprise. She wasn’t going to give him credit for it just yet, though. While she did end up taking his arm as offered, her stare made it clear she wasn’t going to be swayed by an empty gesture. [color=lightsalmon]“I’m feeling rather tired. If it pleases His Highness, I’d like you to escort me to my room to rest,”[/color] She told him. He shouldn’t have offered. He would normally be ecstatic when a beautiful woman asked to go to their room, but now he felt he was expected to stay to talk for longer than he cared. He wouldn’t go back on it, however. Part of being a prince, or emperor one day, was doing things he didn’t want to do. So he inclined his head and did as she bid. He let her lead slightly, not entirely sure where her room was. He watched the other students go by, and he realized he must have felt very stiff all across his body as they walked. Veronica let him writhe as they walked, albeit she got more annoyed with every step. A part of her thought that if he was going to be so reluctant that he shouldn’t have even bothered. But that was just the way he was, she supposed. [color=lightsalmon]“It must be such a burden to be seen in public with your future wife,”[/color] She told him dryly. [color=lightsalmon]“I’m sure everyone back home must be thrilled to hear how you avoid me so. Do I intimidate you that much, Highness?”[/color] Well, it [i]was[/i] a burden, since he wasn’t planning on marrying her for a long while, if ever. He didn’t know how, but he was still going to try and find a loophole. Not that there was much hope for it, but all Kayden wanted was to be free to make his own choices. But her last statement gave him pause, and he blinked, looking at her. [color=4851AA]“You intimidate me? You misunderstand.”[/color] He tried to explain. [color=4851AA]“Anyone I’m forced to marry, I would try and avoid. It’s not personal, though if you’re so curious you and I don’t seem like a fitting match in terms of personality. But I don’t loathe you like you might believe. I’m just not ready…” [/color]His last word was given with a sigh. [color=4851AA]“I’ve swallowed my pride on a great many things. I guess I feel like I deserve a small reprieve.”[/color] Veronica pursed her lips in disapproval, unimpressed. She gave him a weary look, though returned her gaze to the path ahead. “[color=lightsalmon]That’s not something I thought anyone of royal blood would admit, Your Highness. Obligations and duties are supposed to be something we bear with pride. Though you haven’t convinced me I don’t intimidate you--not that it matters, I intimidate many people simply by virtue of being an outspoken woman,”[/color] She stated. [color=lightsalmon]“It doesn’t matter if our personalities don’t fit, or even if we like one another. An agreement was made, and House Gerth has gone above and beyond to fulfill their half of the bargain.”[/color] She wasn’t about to make a fool of herself, either, though if he was going to run away anytime she rounded the corner, it wasn’t worth the effort. [color=lightsalmon]“I think you should consider how this appears to others; there are many here who will be serving under you once you become Emperor,”[/color] She continued. [color=lightsalmon]“As I said, we don’t necessarily have to like one another, but it would be prudent to get along.”[/color] Well, now that he had a chance to speak to her, she seemed more reasonable, if only a bit. Perhaps he could make a show of it to appease her pride and for the good of the kingdom, not necessarily in that order. His choice of women was one of the last bit of freedoms he had, but at the moment he could get himself to heel. He saw the door to the room and with a bit more fluidity, he halted his step and opened the door for her. [color=4851AA]“You are right, of course. As the future sovereign, I do need to listen to my future wife. It would do well for me to begin early.”[/color] He said, giving a small bow as he let her walk in. [color=4851AA]“Grant me the request of accepting my apology.”[/color] That would be the last thing anyone within earshot could hear before the door closed on the two. Kayden didn’t doubt there was more to her proposal than that, so he remained quiet the following moments. An apology was a good start, albeit it didn’t do much to assuage her concerns. [color=lightsalmon]“How bold, I expected you to bolt the moment we arrived at my room,”[/color] Veronica said dryly. The brunette released Kayden and walked into her room, motioning for him to have a seat in the empty chair at her desk. [color=lightsalmon]“I received word from my father this morning. Your father’s health is less than stellar, from what little the royal physician was willing to tell,”[/color] She said as she crossed one leg over the other, placing her hands on her lap. [color=lightsalmon]“As a result, the wedding is likely to happen within the year. It’s the Emperor’s personal wish to see that you will be taken care of should the worst happen.”[/color] Kayden went rigid. A myriad of feelings soared through his mind. The mortality of his father, the marriage, the disregard for what either meant to Kayden to speak it so casually. He knew it was prudent to speak of such things, but the manner in which she brought it up only solidified his desire to separate himself from her eventually. At the current moment that seemed less than likely, however. Kayden sat down where she bid, realizing he had still been standing. [color=4851AA]“That is unfortunate… for my father.”[/color] He made himself add. He had never been close to his old man, but he did not wish death on him. He immediately had the urge to rush home like a child, but he curbed that desire. Even if he did that, the Emperor would only look down on him for it. [color=4851AA]“I suppose your family has begun preparations?”[/color] [color=lightsalmon]“No, Lord Vestra has taken it upon himself to make the preparations,”[/color] Veronica told him. [color=lightsalmon]“Need I remind you that my family has taken care of the Empire’s foreign relations for centuries? With Brigid growing ever bolder, it’s prudent that my father focus on doing whatever it takes to keep peace between the countries until you ascend the throne.”[/color] Tapping her lap, the brunette let out a small sigh, though she laid her sharp eyes on the prince. [color=lightsalmon]“If I were you, Highness, I wouldn’t resist too much. I can tell the intricacies of the political field in Adrestia are beyond your comprehension. The Empire continues with or without its ruler--you would do well to remember that,”[/color] Objectively speaking, her words remained polite and her tone didn’t change, though they carried a weight with them. [color=lightsalmon]“If you truly wish to avoid me, then do as you please. We can remain polite and superficial, as there is no escaping during classes, but otherwise, I will stick to my own business. Would that please you, Your Highness?” [/color] Kayden felt his heart racing, but outwardly it wasn’t noticeable save for the slight color to his cheeks. He opened his mouth, feeling guilty for something he couldn’t quite fathom. [color=4851AA]“That would, but I won’t ignore you.”[/color] He said, wondering why he was saying this insane thing. [color=4851AA]“I’ll simply approach you at my own pace. I know our marriage is soon, but let me ease into it at my pace. I think we would both be pleased then, yes?”[/color] His pace didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but Veronica nodded, if only to give some semblance of cooperation. At that, she rubbed her aching arm, standing up. [color=lightsalmon]“With that said, I’d like to rest,”[/color] She stated simply. Fortunately, he got the hint, excusing himself and leaving the room right away. Veronica openly rolled her eyes, not entirely pleased with the conversation. It would’ve been easier if the prince had perished in Luin, but she supposed he was more durable than she thought. Removing her jacket, she winced at her arm protesting. Some healer that nurse was, her arm was still hurting days after the matter. After removing her blouse, she carefully peeled off the bandages, grimacing at the bruise underneath. Ugh, it was taking longer to heal than she wanted. That Gautier bitch must have cursed it or something. She'd have to go to the infirmary to make sure it’d be fully healed sooner than later. For now, she’d rebandage her arm and decided to take a nap, finding that nothing else seemed worth doing at the moment. [/indent][/hider][hr][hider=Her Wish][indent] Ioannis always looked so small on the seat of the Archbishop. It wasn’t that he looked too young, or even unsuited for such a place--on the contrary, with the way he held himself and the gentle sunlight of the stained glass behind him shining brilliantly, he truly did look like he was blessed by the Goddess herself. But maybe it was because she had known him for so long that all she could ever see was the child. Kaira frowned to herself, although she made sure to go back to something resembling neutral as Sirius finished speaking. It had been decided that Lady Arianthe was to be informed of the events in Luin. Despite experiencing it herself, she felt like the whole day had been surreal. There were so many injured and even more dead. She remembered that none of the professors seemed to have gotten a wink of sleep, the rest of the day dedicated to organizing everyone and the night spent helping dig up graves. She only allowed herself respite as they took turns driving the carriages, making only one stop to get everyone--civilians and students alike--back to the Monastery as quickly as they could. Even then, there wasn’t so much respite as there was realization. Their homes were gone, it would take much to rebuild. The Church had been more than happy to welcome them all with open arms, but there was the very real concern that Garreg Mach wouldn’t be able to support so many people. Fortunately, with the lady came aid, as she had come from the Western Church bearing supplies that Adrestia and Faerghus had initially donated. It truly was the Goddess’ luck, wasn’t it? Lady Arianthe got to come in and play savior, admired and adored by all. Admonishing herself for such a thought, Kaira instead turned her attention to the woman in question. Arianthe seemed disturbed by the report, her hand to her chest as she thought to herself. She looked over to Ioannis, whose own neutrality was just a cover for his own thoughts. [color=springgreen]“Were it an attack of desperation, the Goddess could possibly forgive them. But those who choose to point their weapons at the Church are also pointing them at the Goddess herself,”[/color] Arianthe spoke at last. [color=springgreen]“Yes. The attack on the Eastern Church looked to replicate Luin,”[/color] Ioannis replied softly. [color=springgreen]“Fortunately, the forces of both Gloucester and Hyrm were able to minimize the damage.”[/color] [color=olivedrab]“Had the attack on Luin come before, it would have been a good distraction,”[/color] Sirius added, crossing his arms. [color=olivedrab]“Even so, the moment that word from the Eastern Church came, most of the forces may have abandoned Luin to help.”[/color] [color=springgreen]“And by the time they arrived, there would be nothing but ashes,”[/color] Ioannis shook his head. [color=springgreen]“But why? What could have been accomplished by such wanton destruction? They did not seek to conquer, they wanted Luin destroyed.”[/color] [color=olivedrab]“Michail’s report details a few theories, though nothing has been solidified. It’s to be expected, there’s very little evidence until the interrogation is finished,”[/color] Sirius replied. Ioannis shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with Sirius’ words. Still, he asked, “[color=springgreen]And...how is that going?”[/color] [color=olivedrab]“I’m afraid we haven’t received much information outside the obvious: the mages were ordered to work with the bandits,”[/color] Sirius informed him. [color=olivedrab]“On Michail’s suggestion, we’ve decided to up the ante, so to speak.”[/color] That seemed to be the last thing Ioannis wanted, the boy outright averting his gaze. Was it guilt? Kaira felt a similar knot in her stomach at the words, but unfortunately, she knew nothing they could say would stop it. On the other hand, Arianthe barely batted an eye at the news, more interested in something else. [color=springgreen]“He is truly a shining example of what a Knight of Seiros should be,”[/color] She said, amused. [color=springgreen]“And what does Kalliope think of all this?”[/color] [color=olivedrab]“Kalliope herself suggested that he handle the situation until there is more information,”[/color] Sirius noted. [color=olivedrab]“She won’t involve herself without concrete evidence, and I support this. It would look odd to everyone if the Captain were to investigate. I suggest letting Michail continue, despite his carefree attitude, he has been as you stated, my lady: an example of what a knight should be.”[/color] It took Kaira everything she had not to make a face--not two days ago Sirius had been scolding Michail for the very thing he was praising him for. Ioannis looked weary, though he decided to move on. [color=springgreen]“That concludes what we know. I’ll have Theo and his spymasters see what they can find in the other Churches. In the meantime, we should focus on rebuilding Luin,”[/color] He said as he would stand. [color=springgreen]“If you don’t mind, Sirius, I’d like a word in private with Lady Arianthe.”[/color] [color=olivedrab]“Of course,”[/color] He nodded, turning to the door, though he paused as he spotted Kaira, as if remembering she was there. She offered him a small smile and gestured to the door--quietly advising him not to question why she was there. His lips formed a tight line of disapproval, though he left without a word. Arianthe watched Sirius leave, her eyes landing on Kaira. [color=springgreen]“Maybe you were right after all,”[/color] She chuckled, though Kaira wasn’t too happy about that. Of course she was right. She was just a nurse here, it was strange that she was left alone with two high ranking officials like this. Even if she was Asclepius’ student, she was never given any privileges or treated any differently than anyone else. Now that he was gone, however, Arianthe took pleasure in having Kaira practically attached to her hip anytime she visited. It was only a matter of time before everyone would start questioning it, and she had gone out of her way to keep their relationship under wraps for as long as possible. Ioannis stepped down from the seat of the Archbishop, frowning at Arianthe. [color=springgreen]“Why [i]did[/i] you ask Kaira to be here?”[/color] He outright asked. [color=springgreen]“Had I not asked the knights to find her, she would have avoided me this entire time, my lord,”[/color] She admitted rather casually, looking to Kaira for confirmation. Ioannis did the same, and Kaira felt too ashamed to deny it. He looked uneasy, though he ended up shaking his head. [color=springgreen]“Even so. We mustn't mingle Church and personal matters,”[/color] He insisted. [color=springgreen]“Of course. I will take your counsel in mind,” [/color]Arianthe gave him a gentle smile. He watched her for a moment, unconvinced, though as the bells rang, he admitted defeat. [color=springgreen]“If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with Lysander. We will reconvene in an hour,”[/color] He said, giving her a nod. He briefly gave Kaira a look, though he didn’t linger long, deciding to leave the pair alone. Letting out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding, Kaira faced Arianthe at long last. The woman wasn’t looking at her, surprisingly, instead admiring the stained glass image of the Goddess. After a few seconds, however, their eyes finally met. The silence between them was suffocating, heavy on the two--Arianthe’s eyes were almost pleading, asking Kaira to make the first move. So be it. [color=palegreen]“Why have you come here?”[/color] Kaira outright asked. Arianthe smiled, turning to fully face her. [color=springgreen]“Is it not obvious?” [/color]She answered with a question of her own. [color=springgreen]“I came to see you.”[/color] Kaira’s shoulders sank as she dropped her gaze. [color=palegreen]“You said you’d leave me be,”[/color] She reminded her quietly. [color=palegreen]“I’m always here. I’m always being watched and protected. You don’t need to come.”[/color] Arianthe was surprised. [color=springgreen]“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you,”[/color] She frowned, concerned. Shortly after, however, she realized there was no use in delaying the inevitable. [color=springgreen]“I also came to speak with the Archbishop. I’m going to ask him to make sure you don’t have to accompany your students outside Garreg Mach.”[/color] She wasn’t too surprised at this. [color=palegreen]“Why?”[/color] She asked, if only out of obligation. [color=springgreen]“Serving the church meant that you were always safe, always protected should anything happen. If you leave, who will protect you?”[/color] It was ridiculous to feed into Arianthe’s paranoia, and the best thing to do would be to have the same conversation they had when Kaira had gone to the marketplace unaccompanied. Still, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t hold some bitterness towards the woman. For someone that used to preach about love and acceptance, she also used to warn her to always watch who she trusted, to never let her guard down. It was exhausting at best and damaging at worst. [color=palegreen]“If it were up to you, I’d be confined to the church,”[/color] Kaira couldn’t help but mutter. Arianthe hesitated as if she wanted to protest, but had little to say. She did turn back to the stained glass window, shaking her head. [color=springgreen]“I am sorry. That wasn’t my intention. I don’t think you understand how important you are to me,”[/color] She replied quietly. [color=springgreen]“Asclepius once warned me of this. I should have taken his advice. But after losing him, I…”[/color] At the mention of his name, Kaira’s hand flew to her ribbon, and she hesitated. He was just as overprotective as Arianthe was, but ultimately, she just couldn’t agree with her no matter what her reasoning was. [color=palegreen]“I won’t be reckless,”[/color] She could promise that much. [color=palegreen]“But please allow me to continue to be with everyone.I would like to have something resembling a normal life, even if it isn’t for long. Please understand.”[/color] Arianthe’s expression softened considerably, and she approached Kaira, gently stroking her hair. [color=springgreen]“Very well. I only ask that you not judge me too harshly. I only act and speak out of concern for you,”[/color] She said kindly. Kaira took a step back, uncomfortable with the gesture. [color=palegreen]“I--”[/color] [color=springgreen]“What is it?”[/color] Every time she did that, it always made Kaira uneasy. She didn’t know why, either--it wasn’t like she didn’t let others touch her hair, but anytime Arianthe did it, she was always...how to describe it? It made her feel more like a specimen than a person. For now, Kaira would give no explanation, instead giving Arianthe a bow. [color=palegreen]“I must go. Excuse me,”[/color] She said politely, choosing to end the conversation right then and there. She chose not to look back, already imagining the disappointment in Arianthe’s face. As much as she would have liked to get as far away as possible, there was really only one place she could be alone. She ascended the stairs where only she and one other were permitted, giving the guard a polite greeting before entering her room. The small space was a miniature sanctuary before, but now it just felt suffocating. Letting out a sigh, she stared out the window. Arianthe was onto her if she was trying to restrict her to the Monastery. She would have to be careful going forward. [/indent][/hider][hr][hider=Her New Reality][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/389a152d-6e82-4b71-b324-39252a43c01f.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Isolde stared down at the paper in hand, sitting quietly on her bed. She had no idea how long it had been, only wishing that she had never opened the letter in her hands. If she paid any attention to herself, she would see that she was shaking, but her mind was basically set on fire. Her mother informed her that the dissolution of House Ordelia was all but complete. The plague had wiped out what few families remained, and everything had been left to her father. However, House Ordelia had many debts and was constantly receiving help from the other Houses in the Alliance, and thus once her father was gone, her mother decided to settle said debts. In return, she was allowed to take her maiden name, that of Albrecht, and was given sufficient dowries for both her daughters, with the generous addition of some land to whoever would marry Isolde. It was an inevitable conclusion, but she supposed seeing it officialized had put the final nail in the coffin. Her siblings all opted to take their mother’s maiden names as well, leaving her as the last Ordelia. Her mother had suggested following them but wouldn’t pressure her, though it would make future matches easier if she dropped it. She also hinted that she should likely follow through if any other nobles decided to pay her any mind, much to her dismay. Finally releasing the page, Isolde brought her legs up and hugged her knees, willing herself to calm down. As her gaze fell on the window, a shadow spooked her. She couldn’t see who it was, but they moved as quickly as she noticed it. Was someone looking in her window? She was on the second floor, that couldn’t be possible. As she got up on shaky legs, she approached the window and opened it, trying to see if she could find the source of the shadow. Unfortunately, she didn’t see anything. [color=lemonchiffon]“Maybe it was just my imagination,”[/color] She frowned to herself as she closed the window. No one would have any reason to spy on her aside from maybe just wanting to laugh at her family. She wanted to believe people weren’t so petty, but there was a reason she often avoided too many public appearances. Even if it was just her imagination, however, she still felt uncomfortable. Deciding to leave her room, she wandered through the dormitory hallways, if only to clear her mind. As she approached the stairs to descend, however, she recognized a young man who had just come out of his room. If she recalled correctly, he was the second eldest son of House Daphnel, though his name didn’t come to her until he noticed her as well. [color=gold]“Good afternoon,”[/color] He greeted her cordially. [color=gold]“You’re...Isolde von Ordelia, correct?”[/color] He remembered her? Isolde was a little surprised, but then again, he would often accompany his father and older brother to the Roundtable meetings. [color=lemonchiffon]“Yes. It’s been a long time since we last met, Baron Daphnel,”[/color] She returned his greeting. [color=lemonchiffon]“I hear you’ve taken over your uncle’s territory. It’s a shame it came to this, but I believe things are better off in your hands.”[/color] The young man let out a sigh, shaking his head. [color=gold]“Father thought it turned out for the best, seeing as now my brother and I can now establish ourselves properly in the Alliance. Still, there’s some guilt attached since I was close to my cousin, the previous heir,”[/color] He admitted with a slight shrug, though he perked up. [color=gold]“But please, call me Reiner. We’re classmates, after all.”[/color] She remembered hearing about a few nobles that had fallen to the plague. It was tragic, but at the very least he seemed to be handling it well. He motioned for her to follow him, and together the pair descended to the first floor, avoiding a pair of girls climbing the stairs. The two were a little too obvious in staring at Reiner, though whether he didn’t notice or didn’t care was unclear as he focused on her instead. [color=gold]“How is your family?”[/color] He asked in a low voice. [color=lemonchiffon]“Mother has returned to her childhood home to live with my uncle,”[/color] Isolde replied, ignoring the lump in her throat. People were going to ask, so there wasn’t any reason to hold back on that. [color=lemonchiffon]“My siblings are young, so I don’t believe they understand much of what has happened other than Father passing. I think it’s for the better, when they’re older, it’ll be easier to understand.”[/color] Reiner frowned at her. [color=gold]“Do [i]you[/i] understand?”[/color] He asked her curiously. No. [color=lemonchiffon]“Father committed a heinous crime. His own men refused to support him,” [/color]She replied quietly. [color=lemonchiffon]“There is nothing more to it.”[/color] [color=gold]“That’s--”[/color] He caught himself, shaking his head. [color=gold]“--Nevermind. Let’s change the topic to something brighter and [i]not[/i] political.”[/color] Isolde appreciated it, though she wondered if she gave the wrong response. While she knew of the baron, she didn’t actually know anything about him. His brother was known for his shrewd ways and was sharp on the inner workings of the Houses. His father was more a soldier than Duke, though his territories were well maintained. While a friendly face was welcome, she wasn’t exactly in a position to get too friendly with anyone. Reiner seemed to notice her sudden unease, scratching his chin as he thought to himself. He dropped his hand as he came to a stop. Isolde followed his gaze, almost gasping at the extremely bright colored page on the bulletin board. Upon closer inspection, it had been painted entirely in an odd sky blue, the ink used a strange gold. It honestly made the thing much, much harder to read, albeit she swore she saw her name in loopy handwriting. [color=gold]“Ordelia, no more…?”[/color] Reiner beat her to it, though as he realized what he said, his eyes widened. [color=gold]“What is this?”[/color] [color=lemonchiffon]“It’s...difficult to read,”[/color] Isolde admitted, squinting as she tried to discern ink from paint. She recognized her last name, yes, but the rest was very hard to make out. Scoffing, Reiner took the page in hand, holding it close in an effort to make out what it said. [color=gold]“...[i]Ordelia, no more, one lonely daughter left. Perhaps she can join the Imperial Prince in his lady’s room? Perhaps they are the ones who have robbed the cafeteria of sweets. But better to deal with missing treats than missing items in Her house. After all, they lurk and wait to strike again[/i].”[/color] He read it slowly, finishing with a bewildered expression. She never was one for riddles. [color=lemonchiffon]“I’m not sure I follow,”[/color] Isolde outright admitted. Reiner didn’t reply right away, instead rolling up the paper and grimacing as the crunching noise of the paint breaking surprised them both. [color=gold]“Rumors, most likely. It stands to reason the same gossiping hens that litter the continent have like minded children. Worry not, I will dispose of this,[/color]” He assured her. [color=gold]“Though I can’t entirely blame them for choosing you as a target of their ire.”[/color] She was an easy target, she supposed. Tucking a hair behind her ear, she nervously looked around. [color=lemonchiffon]“Maybe I should stay in my room,”[/color] She said. [color=gold]“And wilt away alone? No, I don’t think I will allow that,”[/color] Reiner reprimanded her. [color=gold]“They [i]want[/i] you to hide. You mustn't show them that their tactics work.”[/color] Isolde appreciated his words, but ultimately, it wasn’t going to be the first or the last time she would be whispered about. She wasn’t even interesting, but her position and the downfall of her family were like a bad carriage accident that everyone wanted to look at. Would things be like this for the rest of the year as well? The hand on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts, and Isolde shook her head. [color=lemonchiffon]“I know you’re right, but...I don’t know if I can bear the shame,”[/color] She said softly. [color=gold]“It’s admirable that you must carry such a burden. The shame was your father’s, not yours,”[/color] Reiner disagreed. She wasn’t entirely sure she agreed. She had lived her life as a proud Ordelia, and even if what her father did was unforgivable, discarding everything and acting like it didn’t matter to her anymore felt wrong. Letting out a sigh, Reiner took Isolde’s hand and placed it on his arm. [color=gold]“For now, we’ll forget all about that and have dinner,”[/color] He insisted. He was bold, too! Isolde hesitated long enough for him to pull her along, and she ended up reluctantly following. She was a little unsure of his interest, but really, he couldn’t have had ulterior motives. She wasn’t anyone of importance anymore, though as the thought crossed her mind, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her mother had said that if any nobles showed interest, she should do something about it. But she couldn’t do that! She never interacted much with anyone, let alone flirt or flit with boys! [color=gold]“Isolde?”[/color] Reiner asked, confused. [color=lemonchiffon]“Are you alright?”[/color] Isolde stared at him with wide eyes. If she wanted a future--any future, it was the right thing to do. She shook her head hastily, putting on a small smile. [color=lemonchiffon]“No, I...thought I forgot something. But it’s...not important,”[/color] She lied. [color=lemonchiffon]“It’s nothing, really.”[/color] He didn’t seem convinced but continued anyway. Isolde’s mind wandered, wondering if she was even capable of this. [/indent][/hider][hr][hider=The Result of the Interrogation] [center][i]Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.[/i][/center] [indent]Tomai stared at the pocket watch, eyes following the long hand as it nearly finished its loop. Once the hand pointed to the top, he stuffed it back into his pocket and pushed off the wall, facing the door. Within seconds it opened, revealing an armorless Michail. It threw him for a loop if he was honest--the least he had ever seen the man in was chainmail, but there he was in shirt and slacks. It took him longer than it should have to notice the dirt on said slacks. [color=red]“You couldn’t convince your horse to stand still long enough to put on its saddle, now you’re interrogating?[/color]” The question came as soon as the blond was close enough. Michail let out a gasp, putting a hand to his chest. [color=00aeef]“I convinced the bartender to get us free drinks!”[/color] He reminded him. [color=red]“I remember you forgetting your coin and me paying,” [/color]Tomai replied flatly. [color=00aeef]“The fact that you paid shows I convinced you,”[/color] He puffed his chest out with pride as he began to walk, the pair emerging up and into the church. After passing through a restricted hallway, the pair were back in the main hall. Only a few guards remained at this late hour and they paid little mind to the two as they ascended the stairs. Michail made sure there weren’t any curious onlookers and made sure the door was closed once they entered his office. [color=red]“Don’t keep me in suspense for too long,”[/color] Tomai commented and took a seat. [color=red]“I’m very interested to know where they obtained such a weapon.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Are you at all interested in why they attacked Luin?”[/color] Michail asked, sitting on his desk. [color=red]“It’s obvious Luin was a distraction that we intervened in,”[/color] Tomai reminded him. [color=red]“Had things gone according to schedule, we would have likely bumped into the Gloucester-Hrym skirmish. I’m more interested in the ‘who’ department, myself.”[/color] Michail sighed, disagreeing with him, though he figured he wouldn’t reveal what he wanted just yet--even he knew Tomai’s interest started and ended with the strange weapon that had absorbed his and Kaira’s magic. [color=00aeef]“Well, the mage confirmed that they were hired to work with the bandits. They were told only to cause as much destruction as possible using a mixture of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate. The results, however, even exceeded their expectations.”[/color] Tomai’s eyebrows shot up, his relaxed posture straightening. [color=red]“Bold of them to use something explicitly forbidden by the church,” [/color]He mused. [color=red]“Still, the perpetrator was ill-informed. The Officers Academy’s activities are made public due to the amount of nobility attending. They should have anticipated the possibility of interference.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“I think they were overconfident. It was sheer luck that we arrived when we did,”[/color] Michail reminded him. Tomai took a moment to think. [color=red]“They must have thought the village would be in ashes by the time any help arrived. At that point, everyone would focus on helping the people and wouldn’t bother questioning until much later,”[/color] He guessed, but something bothered him. [color=red]“And that staff…typical hired help shouldn’t have had such a thing.”[/color] Michail figured he may as well get to the part Tomai was waiting for. [color=00aeef]“Unfortunately, he couldn’t give me any information on the staff--wait, hold on!”[/color] He had to stop Tomai from leaving, since he was already halfway out of his chair. [color=00aeef]“I was, at least, able to confirm that there was a strange gem within the skull that absorbs magic. He called it ‘magictaker’.”[/color] The man slowly sank back into his seat, though he wasn’t too impressed. “[color=red]They lack creativity,”[/color] He commented. [color=red]“If only we had managed to grab it…”[/color] Michail shrugged, not having much of an opinion on it. [color=00aeef]“That’s all the relevant information I got out of him. I did, however, notice a strange mark on his wrist,”[/color] He continued. [color=red]“What was strange about it?” [/color]Tomai asked. [color=00aeef]“It reminded me of a Crest, but spikier. I’ll admit, I really don’t know any Crests outside of Faerghus, but it reminded me of a weird dagger,”[/color] He said as he tried to remember. [color=red]“Is it a Crest or a dagger?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Yes.”[/color] Tomai exhaled impatiently. [color=red]“Michail.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“What? It looked like both!”[/color] Michail defended himself. [color=00aeef]“Whatever it looks like, that means that there really is some organization behind this, right?”[/color] [color=red]“Or they’re just the middle man between us and the real culprit,”[/color] He pointed out. [color=red]“We just don’t have enough information.”[/color] The two fell into silence. Tomai had to admit he was a little surprised that whoever it was decided to go on the offensive now instead of when Fódlan was at its weakest. Then again, the plague did a fine job not differentiating between rogue and civilian. Adrestia got the worst of it, but it wasn’t unheard of in Leicester or Faerghus. [color=00aeef]“We’re also going to operate with the Eastern Church to see if there are any similarities,”[/color] Michail broke the silence, remembering something he left out. [color=00aeef]“For now, I think we should focus on toughening the kids up.”[/color] [color=red]“Euphemia will protest,”[/color] Tomai pointed out. [color=00aeef]“Euphemia wants normalcy, but I prefer being safe than sorry,[/color]” He countered. [color=red]“You two can fight it out, then, I have problems of my own,”[/color] He shrugged, though his shoulders sank. [color=red]“Just when I thought I had it perfected…”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Tinkering with your Hanneman device again?”[/color] [color=red]“Mhm. It’ll give me plenty of excuses to bow out of anything that isn’t magical extracurriculars, so I’m actually glad. If I have to tend the stables with Chionne trying to rope me into more conversation about the ‘good old days’, I might just snap,”[/color] Tomai rolled his eyes as he stood from his seat. Michail tried not to laugh. [color=00aeef]“She does nothing but talk to animals all day, you could indulge her once in a while,”[/color] He said. [color=red]“No thanks. I talk to you because I have to, anyone more annoying can stay away,”[/color] He shook his head. [color=red]“Are you going to go over all this with Euphemia, by the way?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Probably. I think she’s asleep now, but I can catch her in the morning,” [/color]He frowned. [color=red]“How considerate.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“As the older brother, it’s my duty to look out for my little sister’s wellbeing!”[/color] He grinned. [color=red]“You’re older by what, two years?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“That’s two more years of love to give!”[/color] [color=red]“Mhm. We’ll go over our plans for battle then. I’ll support you in at least upping the ante,”[/color] Tomai stretched his arms above his head. [color=red]“I have to see what Veronica and Rudoplh are capable of, and you’ll want to see how Lienna does, right?”[/color] Michail beamed. [color=00aeef]“I like it when you side with me, you should do it more often!”[/color] [color=red]“If you give me a good reason, I will be.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Then why didn’t you help me with the twin redheads?”[/color] [color=red]“Because that was not a good reason. Also, I’m pretty sure one of them had a husband, he kept glaring daggers at you.”[/color] Michail rolled his eyes, waving Tomai away. The mage was fine with that, exiting the office and walking to the staff dormitory. A pair of guards broke their conversation about seeing a pegasus fly overhead. Strange, Chionne was pretty stringent about not letting any of her ‘friends’ fly during the night. He tucked that away and entered his room, intent on snoozing until sunrise. [/indent][/hider][hr] [center][h2]Seventh Bell, 13th of the Great Tree Moon[/h2][img]https://www.nintendo.com.au/modules/prodcatalogue/templates/custom/fire_emblem_three_houses/img/NSwitch_FireEmblemThreeHouses_Overview_Intro_Deco.png[/img][/center][indent] Taking in the fresh, crisp air of the morning, Michail let out a satisfied sigh. He flashed a grin over at Tomai, who looked at his pocket watch with boredom in his eyes, and then at Kaira, who stifled a yawn behind her hand. He shot a grin at Lysander, who offered him a thumbs up, and then finally looked at Euphemia, who was...dozing off. Lysander noticed, giving her a nudge to wake her. [color=yellow]“Ah--Sorry, I’m awake, I’m awake…”[/color] Euphemia apologized, rubbing her eye. [color=yellow]“Did you really have to take the first slot, though?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“There is nothing better to start off the day with than exercise!”[/color] Michail informed her brightly. [color=00aeef]“Isn’t that right, everyone?”[/color] He was met with grumbles, quiet agreements, and a not-so-subtle mumble. Well, that was as good as it was going to get, so that was fine. More importantly, he had students to teach and they were going to learn his specialty today: how to eat a good old plate of ass-whooping.[color=00aeef]“Good morning!”[/color] Michail greeted the incoming students. [color=00aeef]“I hope you’re all ready to get your asses handed to you!”[/color] Lysander looked at Michail, bewildered. [color=plum]“Michail!”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Oh, right, language. I hope you’re all ready to get your butts handed to you!”[/color] He corrected himself, though he frowned. [color=00aeef]“You know, it doesn’t really have the same impact.”[/color] Lysander tried to hold back his disappointment, instead choosing to continue. [color=plum]“Before we begin, I’ll go over [b]training[/b]. Every Saturday morning, you have the option to visit the [b]Arena[/b] and better hone your skills with someone of expertise. While the times may vary, you can always check the schedule posted over by the [b]Armory[/b]. We’re generally pretty good at letting everyone know when we’re available, and sometimes the Knights of Seiros also volunteer their services. Lady Kalliope herself is known to be a frequent visitor, so you never know who will show up!”[/color] They waited for the next person to speak, though as no one spoke, they all looked to Euphemia. To her credit, she hadn’t fallen asleep, but it was clear she was out of it. Deciding to throw her a line, Kaira clapped her hands. [color=palegreen]“For today, we’ll be doing a proper assessment of your abilities, both offensive and defensive,”[/color] She announced, her voice light and airy. [color=palegreen]“There’s no need to push yourselves, we’ve seen what most of you can do, but we’d like to double check and offer corrections where needed.”[/color] [color=red]“Those defensive abilities include dodging both physical and magical attacks,” [/color]Tomai mentioned with a shrug. [color=red]“...if you get caught, Kaira can probably heal you.”[/color] The four professors looked at Tomai, who didn’t seem the least bit regretful. He just shrugged again, and at that point, Euphemia remembered that she was supposed to speak. [color=yellow]“Oh, right. Uh, we’ll be testing everyone for everything. We’ll start with what you believe are your strengths, so everyone please pick up your preferred weapon, and we can split, uh…”[/color] She scratched her head, looking around. [color=yellow]“...there aren’t any targets set up…”[/color] Michail mimicked her, letting out a laugh.[color=00aeef] “Oops. Eh, we really only need one, so I’ll use myself as a target as penance,”[/color] He offered. Tomai couldn’t hold back his sneaker, though Lysander, once again, looked horrified. [color=plum]“Michail, [i]no[/i],”[/color] He shook his head. [color=plum]“I’ll...go get the targets. For now, everyone split into your preferred weapon types, please.”[/color] He jogged over to the armory to get a target as both Michail and Tomai put themselves into position. Michail smacked the closest training dummy, making sure it was sturdy enough. Once Lysander returned, they took a few minutes to organize everyone, and soon there were multiple dummies and targets. Each physical attacker was assigned a dummy, and the targets were divided between casters and archers. Michail made sure he could see everyone, and once he deemed them ready, he made sure everyone could hear him [color=00aeef]“I’d like the fighters to execute a basic combo. Magical folks, Tomai and Kaira are watching you guys hit the targets. And archers...well, you get it by now. Ready?”[/color] He lifted an arm. [color=00aeef]“Go!”[/color] [/indent] [hr]