Amontillado gave Lillith a kind smile and an easy "Thank you. I always worry about them getting into trouble." He was getting used to smiling around people. From a young age, he'd been discouraged from smiling. "[i]Don't smile. Nobody wants to see us smile. We shouldn't look happy about anything we do.[/i]" ~~~ As people began to go their own ways, Monty stuck with Cyprian. He stepped reverently into the mausoleum. "Wow..." he breathed. "This is gorgeous." His voice was hushed, instantly and almost unconsciously settling into his funeral tone, though he allowed himself to speak his thoughts. Nobody was here to grieve. "Look how intricate the sarcophagus is..." He bowed slightly to get a look at the lower details. "I've never seen a mausoleum for just one person before..." He straightened back up to look at the ornate walls. The dozen much smaller and much less impressive mausoleums back home were typically owned by wealthy families. "I have to wonder if there's another somewhere for the resident families... Maybe there's a catacomb somewhere." He was itching to know if there was any kind of drainage system or if it was simply taken care of by magic. What preservation methods did they have so long ago? He suspected they were better than now. Good enough to make a difference after three centuries? Probably not. Then again, maybe the mage's body was perfectly intact in there, preserved by magic. Of course he was curious, but he knew better than to touch anything in the room.