[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7OimHzr.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img] La Hoya Argentina Squad A: Mostly Talon [@Courtaud][/center] For Zach, the ride on the jet was mostly uneventful. He spent most of the time sleeping. Batman did tell them to rest up, and that’s what he did, he needed his beauty sleep. It was hard to get comfortable on the jet, but he managed somehow. During the time he wasn’t sleeping, he ate the sandwich Daphne made him. It really satisfied his sweet tooth. Eventually, the team landed in La Hoya. Zach stepped off the plane, and Zach was lucky he dressed for the cold. The teams then spread out to do their own thing. Daphne went to get the comms online so they had communication. Zach stayed next to Talon for the time being. [color=darkviolet]“Zarara also online. Um… over I guess…[/color] Ja also went up ahead to get a vantage point, and reported back on the comms that there was a car hidden near the headquarters. What was the significance of that? Zach looked through the night vision goggles, and saw guards. [color=darkviolet]“Well Captain Talon, there seems to be guards there. But I’m sure you suspected that already. Any plans on how to get past them?”[/color]