[@Sep] [color=a36209] [h1] [center]Snoanta[/center][/h1][/color] [color=a36209] [h1] [center]Lothal[/center][/h1][/color] Snoanta nodded his head to Gal’Tek’s offer. He did not want to be tortured by what he assumed were goverment officals, for a crime he did not commit. Although they could be wanting to arrest Gal’Tek, however he felt like he would be guilty by association for helping Gal’Tek. He hoped that Gal’Tek would keep his word and pay the Wookie extra. Feeling the effects of the stun grenade going off, he quickly gains his facilities. He noticed the ranger and a couple of droids coming into the room, he needed to vacate the room as quickly as possible. The situation was starting to get out of control quite fast. Seeing another droid throwing another stun grenade towards the duo, Snoanta shot it in the droid’s hand, making the group stunned for long enough for the two to escape. Quickly picking up Gal’Tek carrying him underneath his arm, dashing towards the back door. Hauling ass towards his ship being glad that E8 left the door of the ship open. He hoped that he would be quick enough to head into his ship. While running he was firing his bowcaster at the pursuing droids.