[center][h1]10,000,000 years hence[/h1][/center] [center]Ten million years.[/center] [center]Ten million years since human kind new it was doomed.[/center] [center]Ten million years since the first modified human was released in the wild.[/center] [center]Ten million years from when humanity fell.[/center] [hider=game history] [center][h3]A little history[/h3][/center] I would be slightly surprised if you had never heard of Dougal Dixon's after man books, or at least seen a picture. If you don't know the contents of these books hold a possible future for mankind and the animals of earth. Of course, the *clears throat and coughs* [i]wonderful[/i] pictures due little justice to what the future could look like. They are also highly fantastical, and would probably never happen in the time given in the books (especially the telepathy between to species of humans). However, I decided that I will correct his mistakes, but instead of writing a time and money consuming book, write a free RP. [/hider] [hider=In game history] [center][h3]Some more history[/h3][/center] If you are reading this you are possibly interested in joining. Before I give you the character sheet, please do a little reading in this and the next section. Now, let me set the stage for you, Lights! Camera! Action! The year is 1996, the start of WWIII. People are nuking each other like crazy. Global temperatures are rising, the ring of fire and most other volcanos are going dormant, and species are going extinct like nobodies' business. The war ends in the year of 2014, with less then one fourth of worldwide population left. If that wasn't enough people are nearing insanity. By the year 2089 we are back to the stone age, after humans destroyed all of what was left of society. The only remaining technology is put on massive airships called "cradles" aboard those are the elites of when society was crumbling. They paid for their ticket aboard, as well as the cybernetic implants to keep them immoral, of course this cost them every part of their flesh except for their vital organs. Walking aimlessly around the halls of the cradle were robots who look like terminator without the skin. Even though the people living in the cradle were promised immortality, even that would not last. With only a few decades left before the last of humanity went extinct the scientists onboard the cradle began experimentation with cloning new human species. Meanwhile the humans on the ground were on their last leg. None of them could survive the harsh conditions on the surface, leaving bunker-dwellers the last true humans. Back on the cradles false biomes were starting to be created, and would soon cover the surface entirely. 4 biomes would be made, by the time the cradles and people on them started to shut down they, as well as the new inhabitants would be released on world, hopefully continuing humanity. The year is 12,347. The radiation from the war has disappeared, biomes are laid out upon the continents, which have shifted a lot in 10,000 years. Only one cradle remains, with three heavily repaired scientists. The new humans that had been created could survive both the biomes they were put in, and the local fauna which had been transported and modified to survive and thrive in these environments. Five species of human had been tested and proved they were ready, now to see if they could last.[/hider] [hider=The new people of earth] [center][h3]The new people of earth[/h3][/center] [center][b]Tundra dweller[/b][/center] [i]Homo sapiens frigus[/i] The largest of the new humans. At about 8 feet tall and 300 pounds these massive people live in the frigid northern tundra biome. They are extremely strong and are protected by a thin layer of translucent hair over their near white skin. Tundra dwellers also have larger noses and smaller eyes, but are mostly just a larger version of humans. They fill the gaps left by polar bears, snow leopards, and other large predatory animals. Two sub-sub species: [i]Homo sapiens frigus polus[/i] (larger and stockier, fingernails like claws) [i]Homo sapiens frigus nifilus[/i] (shorter and more agile, far more intelligent then the other sub-sub species. [b][center]Savannah dweller[/center][/b] [i]Homo sapiens calita[/i] Savannah dwellers are also very large, at 7 feet tall, but at only 235 pounds. They are by far the fastest of the new humans, at speeds comparable to and antelope. Their skin is completely black, often with white markings matching those of ancient grazers and predators like cheetahs, giraffes, and zebras. Savannah dwellers fill the gaps left by smaller grazers, and predators. Three sub-sub species: [i]Homo sapiens calita elephantus[/i] (Larger and slower, two lower teeth stick out like short tusks) [i]Homo sapiens calita felesga[/i] (Faster and stealthier, they often make social groups known as prides) [i]Homo sapiens calita pecuarios[/i] (Elert and watchful, these dwellers stay in massive herds, retreating to their borrows during the night.) [b][center]Forest dweller[/center][/b] [i]Homo sapiens silva[/i] The second shortest new human, only 4'6 and 73 pounds, they seem like they would be killed off easily, but they have tricks up their sleeves. The forest dwellers are by far the most intelligent of the new humans, and every so often they will give birth to one of the memory people. They have the widest skin color range, from the darkest brown to the palest white. They replace deer like creatures as well as predatory mammals. Two sub-sub species: [i]Homo sapiens silva arietes[/i](the slightly larger, grazers of the forest. When spooked (which is often) they will run away and hide, which they are very good at)[i]Homo sapiens silva acenparvum[/i](These Forest dwellers are sneaky, they often stalk through bushes to hunt prey) [b][center]Jungle dweller[/center][/b] [i]Homo sapiens saltu[/i] The smallest of new humans, at 3'1 and 42 pounds it would be a death sentence if they touched the ground. They were made to climb, and have all triple digited fingers and toes. Do to their safety in the trees they are often highly aloof, but will sometimes drop food down for wandering new humans who pass by their territory. They fill in the gaps left by apes and monkeys. They have a very thin, but visible black or dark brown fur coat clinging to their light brown skins. They have monkey like tails which are prehensile. Three sub-sub species: [i]Homo sapiens saltu magna[/i](These large Jungle dwellers can get close to four feet, their fur is almost always red or orange)[i]Homo sapiens saltu tarda[/i](This sub-sub species fills the role of sloths, the move slowly and have sharp fingernails to dig into trees while they sleep)[i]Homo sapiens saltu simia[/i]The fast monkeys of the new jungle, they spend their days flinging through trees and chatting with friends) [b][center]Ocean dweller[/center][/b] [i]Homo sapiens oceanum[/i] The most fantastical looking of the new humans, at average human height they make a great surprise to any watching on the beach. They, like the Jungle dweller, have and artificial fifth limb, a long streamlined tail attached at the base of their spine. Of the five species they are the most changed. Their skin is not a similar color to any of the other species (mostly blues, greens, and grays), plus they have both gills and fins on their limbs and back. Ocean dwellers take the place of dolphins, sharks, and whales. Three sub-sub species: [i]Homo sapiens oceanum abyssi[/i](A foot or two taller then the Tundra dwellers, the "whale-people" can go deep underwater without the pressure doing any dammage)[i]Homo sapiens oceanum tenui[/i](Speedy, although not as fast as a Savannah dweller, they swim through the oceans, often breaching the surface and waving at surface dwellers)[i]Homo sapiens oceanum pistris[/i](Filling the role of sharks, they swiftly maneuver through dark seas, eating most any fish that comes in their way)[/hider] [hider=Animals] [center][h3]Animals[/h3][/center] I'm fine with you creating almost any animal for your posts, as long as it matches this criteria: 1. It can't have developed more limbs then the base creature it evolved from* 2. It has to make since to have evolved in the time allotted** 3. It can't have evolved from an endangered species*** *This rule only applies for vertebrae, also see** **If you have good reasoning, such as it was modified in the cradles, I might approve ***At first this might not make sense, but remember that majority of life on earth was killed in WWIII Common go to animals are decedents of: Rats, Fish, Falcons, Racoons, Rabbits [/hider] [hider=The map] [center][h3]The map[/h3][/center] Tricked you didn't I. You thought there would be a picture. A quick description of what happened to the continents in the past 20,000 years Old continents: North America & Latin America: Everything north of the USA has collided and turned into the continent of Polus or joined the other side of Asia. The USA is slowly shrinking as the continental divide pushes up higher. Latin America has mostly disappeared. South America: Like the USA it is shrinking due to the continental divide. It is getting warmer as if pushes up towards the equator. Africa: Now split in two, inside is a new sea, called the Kenyan sea. Australia & Oceania: All collided into south Asia. Asia: Much larger, three great mountain ranges made after collisions with new parts of the continent. Antarctica: Split into islands drifting away from each other. Europe: The Mediterranean is closed, slowly it Asia, and Africa (Nubia) are becoming one. New continents: Polus (New northern continent) Tundra America (What's left of NA) Tundra/Forest Equate (What's left of SA) Savannah/Jungle Nubia (West Africa, Mainland) Savannah/Jungle Somali (East Africa, three islands) Jungle/Forest Medditaria (West Europe and the North-eastern tip of Africa) Savannah/Tundra Rembia (East Europe and West Asia) Forest/Tundra Denbia (East Asia and the parts that collided with it) Tundra Seria (The three Antarctic islands) Tundra [/hider] [hider=FAQ] [center][h3]TITWBFAQ[/h3][/center] Things I think will be FAQ [b]So what is the RP even about?[/b] Quite a simple answer, you play as your select species and try to live out life [b]What is the technology level?[/b] Very primitive, all know about why technology was bad, and how you should just live with the basics, possibly their most advanced invention is the saddle, or raft [b]Do the humans in this look like the humans from man after man?[/b] Not at all, they are all pretty much human looking. Instead of imagining the mutants from the book imagine a person just with the looks I described above. [b]Are the people like animals, like they became later in man after man[/b] No, they are humans just with different looks. They all wear clothes, and all have jobs and currency. The most animal thing about them is their looks. [b]Are there pets, or livestock?[/b] Yes, although majority of them would be evolved from pets and livestock in the past. [b]What year does the game take place?[/b] 22,500 (aproximently)[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Ah yes, if you have read all the way to here (or skipped the rest) you are probably interested in Joining the RP. Here is the sheet for that: Name: (go crazy, scramble letters, spell john as njoh) Age: (numbers if you wish, but I'm fine with "kid" "teen" or "adult") Appearance: (besides your species' looks, what makes you stand out among them) Personality: (this one is self explanatory) History: (write one paragraph, minimum) Location: (what continent are you on, you can say what country it was called before) Items: (what are some things you always have on you)[/hider] [hider=Rules] No goddmodding (playing as someone else) No OP characters If you want to leave send me a PM, if you're gone for more than three weeks without warning I might kill you off Keep channels appropriate for all ages (honestly, the game isn't 18+ keep it that way) [/hider]