Jinny was almost bouncing in her seat by the time they arrived at the gates, thoroughly excited. Despite waking up just before dawn, she was eager and awake. She had opted for the uniform with pants, thinking it would be easier to fly in just in case. Her hair was tied back into a neat braid with a purple ribbon. She hopped out of the car and started looking around, staying within Slade’s vicinity. “This place is huge! And look at all this stuff.” From where she was, she could see the outdoor pool and most of the courts. As she looked this way and that, she did notice other students her age in the uniforms. But she did not approach them. Not yet. It didn’t escape her notice that they were being looked at. After the staff stared at Slade with some mixture of shock and fear, their eyes slid down to her, with pure confusion. She didn’t like those looks. Part of her wanted to march right up to them and tell them to stop staring at her. But – she held her temper as best she could. Stepping back within her uncle’s reach, she whispered quietly. “Um. Just how famous are you? Everyone’s looking at us. It’s actually a little creepy.” To his question, she responded even softer. “Let’s get the boring stuff done first. Then I gotta look around here.”