[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200415/f3c33cd66e59a30059c90056ed049824.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PotablePersonalDonkey-size_restricted.gif[/img] [@Morose][@BlueSky44][@kittyluna45][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr] It had been about two months since Ragnarok had been thwarted once again with the thanks to Nadia, Klara, Runa, Astrid Arnora and Lara, and Baldur was rescued he had chosen to stay in Valhalla for the time being thinking that it would be the safest spot for him for the time being. However some trouble started to brew in Valhalla itself, Hunding and Helgi seemed to have been in a heated argument which made Hunding leave the lobby in a bit of a huff. When Helgi hadn't come to dinner at the Thane's table an Einherjar was asked to look for him and stuck their head inside of Helgi's office and noticed that Helgi had been killed. Which wasn't a common thing at first since Einherjar always did end up killing one another over something petty or dumb or just for the shits and giggles. Helgi never resurrected, or any Einherjar that had been killed that day. A meeting was immediately called for all Einherjar to report to the Feast Hall everyone was ordered to attend even the Valkyries as well. The other Thanes were there in attendance with Baldur sitting at the table as well to waiting for everyone to gather. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=EEE8AA]Nadia Petrova[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bj3O8Xd.png[/img] [I]Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain Skills: N/A [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Nadia had woken up early that morning as she stood up and stretched slightly letting out a slight yawn she had heard that Helgi had been murdered that morning. Though what was really weird was that he hadn't returned at all which was very disturbing to her, and quickly thought about Hunding who was always nice to everyone. Though he was always treated poorly by the Thanes and other staff as well to, Nadia shook her head slightly as she finished getting dressed. Slipping on the Hotel's green shirt and a pair of torn blue jeans she had laying around her hotel room. She looked towards her weapon she had leaning against the nearby wall and thought about grabbing it but she decided against it and headed out of her room. Seeing the other Einherjar leaving their rooms as well to and headed towards the Feast Hall, hearing about the mandatory meeting down in there to discuss what was going on. Nadia paused for a moment catching a slight glimpse of someone who looked like Loki but was quickly gone the next moment. Shaking her head slightly Nadia entered the elevator and quickly taken to the first floor where the Feast Hall was. Nadia entered seeing that Baldur was seated at the Thane's table, she found an empty table and sat down as the Valkyries flew down and started to serve breakfast, she noticed that the Thanes were still talking amongst themselves. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#81BEF7]Arnora Skadidottir[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/h0eyxJ9.png[/img] [I]Location: Hotel Valhalla, Feast Hall of the Slain Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Arnora had been up for awhile now and had gone to one of the floors that worked as a huge gym to work out a little bit, she had heard what happened to Helgi the night before which was really weird to her. Who wanted to kill Helgi anyway, sure he was a bit of an asshole towards Hunding a lot of the time. She stopped by her room to take a quick shower and get changed into something that wasn't covered in sweat, she heard the announcement that everyone who wasn't dead to head towards the Feast Hall of the Slain. She left her room and headed towards the elevators as she was slightly pushed and shoved a little bit, and got into the elevator as it quickly went down. Arnora made her way towards the feast hall she looked around seeing Nadia sitting close by and decided to go and join her as well. Arnora noticed that Baldur was there as well, he did come in from time to time and met with Runa a few times to check up on her. The Feast Hall of the Slain was slowly being filled as a Valkyrie filled her cup with some mead taking a sip of it, she wasn't sure what they were going to be talking about but hoped that they would find out soon.