[h2] Dean Winchester [/h2] Dean smirked when she told him that she couldn’t hate him, but it made him wonder if she had thought about killing Madison as well. The thought of her being forced to do it, with how much the girl seemed to like her made him a little sad. At her offer to drive, he had to smile, raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t much of a highway rider, but considering they were just going to be going a few blocks over, he would deal with it. His attention was turned to Sam as he walked over and handed Esme the address Cas had given him, shooting his brother a look to tell him to ‘be careful’. He was uneasy with Sam being alone with Madison, even with Cas there. But Cas seemed to understand her power better than any of them, and Cas would never put Sam in unnecessary danger. He knew the price he would pay, if he did. Sighing with worry, Dean turned back to Esme and gave her a nervous smile, “I definitely am ready for that drink.” He pulled her with him as he started walking toward her car, taking her hand and linking his fingers with hers. — They had arrived at a dive bar in town, something that was impossible not to see as his style. As they sat at the end of the bar, he raised his hand, smiling that the female bartender seemed to remember his order, from his time spent at Bobby’s. This bar was where he went to get away from everyone, during their days and weeks of research, and he was almost nervous to bring Esme here, considering his relations with basically every female in the building. He was thankful that the bartender didn’t seem in the mood to play games. She smirked as she took his drink order, and turned to Esme, “And what would you like, sweetheart?” Dean smirked, wrapping his arm around the back of Esme’s barstool, “Why don’t we start her off with my usual. We’re relaxing.” The bartender smirked, giving him a small wink as she nodded and turned to grab a bottle of top shelf whiskey and two glasses. She poured a triple in each glass, and slid them in front of Dean and Esme. “So, about what happened in the park, earlier…”, he started, deciding to get the awkward out early in the alcohol, “Do you pick up where you left off, after nearly a decade with all the guys?” He smirked as he joked bringing both his hands up to cradle his glass of whiskey.