Takuya just arrived- he was slightly sweaty, as he'd made the trip from his home to here a brisk walk. He took a few deep breaths before going up all those stairs (It had to be up on the roof, didn't it?). Once he'd managed that, he got to the roof, and stepped through the door, pausing only have a glance around at the present company. [i]Hm. Doesn't look like we're all here, yet...[/i] He walked over, and stood next to his friend, Ishida, "The Boss", with his uniform shirt and jacket wide open (still wearing an undershirt, of course) and his arms crossed over his chest. He frowned as he looked around, his usual "Think twice before making a move on The Boss" routine. Usual faces, some he liked more than others. His gaze settled on Takanashi; The boss trusted him, but "Ten-Ton" didn't like the way he looked at Ishida, sometimes. He especially looked anxious tonight, which only put Takuya on higher alert. He resumed looking forward at nothing in particular, but spoke aloud, "So, Boss, I miss anything interesting? Who else are we waiting for before I can go grab some sushi?" He gave another glance, and raised an eyebrow like he just realized he'd missed something before. [i]...Who brought the kid? I'll probably have to put myself between her and... Just, EVERYTHING if she's a prospective member.[/i]