The slap on his back caught Yakeru by surprise and pushed all the air from his lungs. Jared walked away as Yakeru coughed for a few seconds, amazed at the force of the knight. This had only been a slap on the back but Yakeru had seen firsthand what strength he had. Much like Mackensie had thought earlier, he too was glad that the hulking knight was on their side. But what was their side? Soldiers greeted Jared as he passed them. Yakeru could see that the effect of the speech earlier had not worn off, no it was quite the contrary. People were already talking about taking up arms against the Witch. Soldiers and refugees alike. They wanted to be near him. Wanted him to lead them. Back on earth, Yakeru had seen in movies or read in books about leader rallying their troops or forming a rabble into a capable fighting force but to see it happen with his own eyes really was something. He had no doubt they would follow their hero to the ends of the world and back if he asked them to. [i]Jared, the Messiah[/i] Yakeru looked down to his gloved hands which were trembling slightly. Quickly he clenched his fists and turned his back to the fire. Jared would lead them. But where to, that was the question. More to talk about, if Jared decided to join them for drinks. At least David, being a good companion, agreed on a drink or two. Maybe three if it was any good. Drink to forget or drink to remember...Maybe a bit of both tonight. “A man after my own heart! Thank you, my friend.” If Yakeru would be correct, this would be the que for Mackensie to join them also. Even if it would be to just keep an eye on both of them. Perhaps he could get her to loosen up a bit. She was a good person. Both she and David were. He felt content to be among them, felt just right to be in their company as if that was where he had to be. After today he needed it. With a smile towards both of them he started to walk. [i]Now where is that tavern...[/i] After only a few steps, Yakeru suddenly stopped. He could sense somebody watching him. A strange sensation ran through his body and somewhere deep in his mind, a faint feeling of alarm. There! Someone had been standing between two tents, his gaze upon Yakeru. Even though the spot was empty now, he just knew that it had been real. He turned his head toward David and Mackensie wondering if he should just continue to go with them or... “Excuse me for a moment. Nature calls!” He smiled a bit uneasy. He never was much of a liar but hoped that his facial expression would be convincing enough. “Save me a seat will you. I'll be right there after I finish!” Perhaps it had been wise to take both of them with but maybe it had just been his imagination running wild and he would have made a fool of himself. Again. Besides he was in the middle of a camp filled with refugees and soldiers. What could happen to him, right? As expected he did not find the person. It was the mysterious person who found him instead. To say that the man was not what he had expected was an understatement. [i]A fairy?[/i] Bright golden eyes, burning like fire. Horns. Sharp hookteeth. Mothlike wings. Yakeru's vision of the cute, colourful little fairies and pixies living in trees broke, like a mirror, in a thousand pieces in his mind. More evidence he should change his way of thinking in this new world. The fae spoke with a certain eloquence in his voice and was not unpleasant to listen to. [i]Was uh...he trying to be kawaii?[/i] Yakeru thought as he allowed himself a small smile and chuckled at the joke. [i]So they even have the toothfairy here huh[/i] The fae had introduced himself and now asked for his name, which would be rude not to give. “You can call me Yakeru. If you're looking for a star, you should try the big knight. Can't miss him. Seems like he is the star tonight.” Yakeru laughed softly, placing his hand on his shaking head. “Ah. Forgive me. Do not mind me. So, what brings you to this encampement, mister...fairy. Wanting to join the war effort or are you some kind of...disaster tourist?” Amused he raised an eyebrow. Again he could feel the faint alarm in the deepest reaches of his mind. Once more he ignored it.