[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjIxOC4wMGZmYjkuVG5sdC4w/lovers-quarrel.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=1BF285]Time: 9am Location: Port Vanarosa-The Seagull Interactions: NPCs, Helio [@princess] Mentions: none Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, half a bottle of rum, various jewelry. [/color] [hr] [color=C1E9EC] [color=1BF285]“...and the skies grew dark, the sea raged, mighty winds howled as out from the darkest depths of the sea deadly tentacles lashed against the ship-”[/color] The sharp-toothed demihuman spun his tale of his latest misfortune to the table of fellow sailors. Until his overly dramatic tale was interrupted by the slam of a frustrated orc’s fist against the shaky wooden table. [color=981424]“Less talk, call or fold.”[/color] The orc struggled to even fit comfortably in his chair, his impatient eyes kept flickering towards the pile of amas and treasure resting on the center of the table. Nym took a brief moment to carefully consider his cards, which were shit, but he had a way to rectify that. He slid his hand into the breast pocket of his coat, retrieving both a new card, which he carefully palmed, and a small dagger with a gold sheath and hilt adorn with a few precious stones. He leaned forward and tossed it in the pile, allowing the others a moment to admire it. Then Nym returned to the careful study of the cards in his hand, sliding the palmed card into his hand and palmed a useless one out. An elf fidgeted nervously before placing his own cards face down on the table and shaking his head. [color=CA7AF1]“I need a drink.”[/color] The man exited the game and Nym turned to flash a toothy smile as he left. [color=1BF285]“Better luck next time mate.”[/color] He said as his hand with the palmed card moved to his boot and safely tucked the unwanted card away from sight. His attention turned to the final man at the table, an ape-like creature called Boone, boatswain of [i]The Marlin[/i]. Nym had spent far too long on land and was looking for a new crew to join since his recent, alleged, survival of an encounter with a monster of the deep. He quite liked the look of [i]The Marlin[/i] and her crew didn’t seem half bad either. [color=1BF285]“Long story short, I find myself in need of work.”[/color] He carefully studied Boone’s reaction, though the other demihuman wore an unreadable expression. [color=D0600D]“Lost another crew? Second time this year for ya?”[/color] The ape demi added his coins to the pile and placed his hand down face up. A decent hand, but one he knew his own hand beat. The orc tossed his hand of cards on the table with an aggravated grunt. Based on his bets and the quality of the hand he tossed down, Nym wondered if the orc even really understood the game. He made a mental note to always join a game with said orc. [color=1BF285]“Can’t hardly be blamed for malfunctioning cannons or the existence of monsters.”[/color] Nym addressed Boone’s comment as he laid down his own cards for the remaining two to see. Truly neither instance had anything to do with him, nor were they as exciting as the stories he spun them into. But Nym preferred an exciting story to the dull truth any day. [color=D0600D]“Aye, sounds like rotten luck.”[/color] Boone’s reply echoed all that he heard for the past several weeks. Every crew he tried to join seemed poisoned by the belief that somehow his luck had spoiled. Nym put little stock in such thoughts, he made his own luck, but sailors were a notoriously superstitious bunch and it was tough work to convince them otherwise once that belief had taken hold. [color=1BF285]“It would seem luck is on my side today. Rumor has it you're in need of hands, mine are sea tested.”[/color] He countered, his lone glancing at the cards with a raised eyebrow. [color=D0600D]“Not desperate enough to bring fowl luck aboard lad. The sea bears ye a grudge.”[/color] Boone’s tone shifted from calm to commanding. [color=1BF285]“Hogwash, the sea adores me like a lover.”[/color] Nym stood and moved to collect his winnings. [color=D0600D]“The sea’s turned against ya. And ya cheat at cards!”[/color] Boone slapped Nym’s hands away from the gold. [color=1BF285]“I do.”[/color] He replied with a smirk, grabbed a half-finished bottle of rum from the table, and glanced to the orc at his right. [color=1BF285]“But so does he and you’ll find a card or two tucked up his sleeve.”[/color] He added, more than willing to be petty if he wasn’t getting either thing he wanted. He walked away from the table without the gold or a job offer and was satisfied to hear the ape demihuman and orc begin to shout at one another. Nym took a swig from the bottle and sauntered out of The Seagull, he was clearly having no luck finding a worthy crew to join here. The streets were busy, no matter the time of day in Port Vanarosa. He spotted a red-haired fairy who he’d seen passed out on the floor of the tavern earlier in the morning and grinned. Anyone foolish enough to pass out in public around here was going to be fun company. [color=1BF285]"I know what you need.”[/color] Nym spoke as he walked up to the fairy and lightly shook the bottle of rum he held. [color=1BF285]"Hair o’ the dog that bit ya?”[/color] He offered. He studied the fairy, trying to determine if looked like he had anything of value ripe for the taking or was simply another washed-up pauper looking for a chance of fortune in a den of thieves. [color=1BF285]"Ain’t seen ya around before, what brings ya to this den o' miscreants?”[/color] [/color]