Kay just about heard what Bane said which made her quickly turn her head back to Serena and the others as Chas and John seemed to be hesitating in when to give Serena the adrenaline. "bloody Hell's" she muttered under her breath as she walked over with two strong strides, took the pens out of John's hands, removed the cap and just moved Josh out of the way, administering the adrenaline into Serena's chest where she then pressed down on the pen to get the medicine into her. She then pulled the pen out of Serena and dropped it into John's hands. She was done waiting and if Bane was feeling that invading her mind to chat with her was important, then she was going to listen to him and not the others. "come on girl... Don't make me administer another dose" she said to Serena, checking the woman's pulse in her neck and brushing her hair out of the way.