[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFiMGIwYi5WR0ZzYjI0LC4w/xerkerfw.regular.png[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f]Location: Rooftop Interactions: Squad A[/color][/b] [hr] Things were moving smoothly with little input required from Talon so far. Mirage's abilities allowed Squad A to successfully pinpoint the guards patterns of patrolling, and with the additional support from Squad B keeping them informed of any variables that might come up, only minutes passed before the entirety of Squad A had made it to the most easily accessible infiltration route - the rooftop. The only thing that had changed from the original plan was Metamorph's deviation to investigate an unmarked vehicle not far from their location. Although he would have appreciated having Metamorph's abilities inside with them, his particular set of skills would be of more use where he was. Talon activated his comms and spoke to Squad B. [color=9e0b0f][b]"We've made it to the infiltration site. Keep comms open - we'll be silent while we engage inside. Keep an eye out for Metamorph, and let me know of any changes outside. If you sense something is up, inform both squads. But do NOT act without my order."[/b][/color] He looked up at Squad A, all of them looking tense and serious. Good. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Cybergirl - that vent. Can you remove the top of it? And quietly? I want us in tight formation - first a camoflauged Mirage, then myself & Zatara, and Cybergirl trailing. Mirage can easily scout ahead using her ability. From there I've the most experience with stealth. If things get dicy enough, Zatara's magic would allow us a Plan B of either distraction or engagement. And if if it comes to that, Cybergirl's physical strength will get us far."[/b][/color] He nodded to each of them in turn as he pointed out each of their roles. He was confident that this formation was best. From their entry point they could navigate the vents in the building until they came across what they were looking for - a computer room, or else an office that looked of particular import. He didn't want to split them up - the way their comms were set up was too much of a handicap to reach the others. But if he needed to he knew what he would do.