[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme continued to stroll through the junkyard, still humming as she went. She had placed a hand on Sarah and Violet as they walked by her side. The two of them both seemed to enjoy themselves. She didn’t realize how deep she had gone into the junkyard until she heard one of the other hounds howl. Esme stopped in her tracks and fell silent as she pulled out her gun, scanning the junkyard. Sarah and Violet moved closer to her as they growled, their eyes scanning the junkyard as well. “Alright girls.” she said, still scanning the area. “Looks like they have decided to start the party early. I hope you two are ready.” She released the safety on her gun, then judged the distance between her and the house. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t get back to the house before she ran into at least one demon. “Alright, let’s move back to the house.” With her gun held at the ready, she walked back to the house, a shiver running up her spine on the way. Sarah and Violet moved as if they were an extension of her, a growl in their throats as they moved through the junkyard with her. Esme could feel that they were being watched, but she couldn’t pinpoint where they were. “Stay on your toes, girls.” she whispered to them. She went a little further, keeping her eyes open for a sudden attack, but it never came. She knew they were there and couldn’t help but wonder what they were waiting for. Another shiver ran down her spine. “Come on, you cowards! I know you’re there!” she yelled out into the junkyard. Laughter erupted in the junkyard after her words, echoing all around her and the two hounds. Just then, six demons popped up out of nowhere and surrounded them, wide grins on their faces as they stared her down. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a male demon said. “Looks like a hunter all on their own.” a female said from behind her. “Mmmmm, shame we have to kill something so fine.” another male chimed in. They then closed in on her and Esme took a shot, hitting one square in the head. “Sarah! Violet! Now!” she yelled. Both hounds charged the demons and pounced, making quick work of three of them. Esme got off a couple of more shots before making a run for it. She didn’t get far before a demon appeared in front of her, and punched her in the face before the hounds could reach her. Esme groaned and hit the ground on all fours. The demon laughed before kicking her. “Thought you could get away, did you?” he sneered as Esme grunted and rolled onto her side, clutching her stomach. He went to land another kick, but Violet tackled him and ripped him to shreds. “Thanks, Violet.” Esme gasped as she struggled to her feet. Sarah came over and gave her help standing, letting Esme lean against her and she stood. Violet came to her side with her gun in her mouth, Esme took it with a weak smile. She could feel more coming. Taking a breath, she ran towards the house again as she held her bruised ribs, at the rate they were coming, she’d be a complete mess if she tried to take many more on. Esme finally made it about half way when a large group of demons showed up. “Hellfire!” she complained as she took aim. “You know what to do girls.” she said then shot at several demons. She watched as each shot hit its mark, then cursed under her breath as she took her last shot. She tucked her gun away and pulled a good sized hunting knife from her belt. It was a silver blade that had been bathed in salty holy water. The blade wasn’t large enough to decapitate, but she hoped it would be enough to slow them down. Esme flew into the group of demons when Sarah and Violet, slashing and stabbing her way through. That was until she felt herself being lifted from the ground and thrown through the windshield of a vehicle. She gasped and fought for the air that had been forced from her lungs. Her vision slightly blurred from the impact, she closed her eyes and shook her head to clear her vision, then made her way off the vehicle as Sarah attacked the demon responsible for throwing her. She leaned against the vehicle to regain herself while Sarah and Violet fought off any demon that got near. Looking up head, she could see she was almost there, she could clearly see the house. She bolted just as another hellhound came out of nowhere, which she was thankful for. She was almost to the porch when two more demons showed up, a male and a female, both with smirks upon their faces. “It ends here.” the female sneered. “Not if I can help it.” Esme sneered back. She cut a quick look over her shoulder, the three hounds were busy fighting the other demons. Esme took her stance, her knife held firmly in her right hand. The demons attacked first, both coming at her at once. She dodged what she could, and managed to get a few hits and slashes in. Finally she managed to trip them up to where they collided, Esme took this chance to stab the female in the back and threw the heart. Pulling her blade free she faced off with the male, his eyes burned with rage. He charged and they exchanged blows, moving to the porch stairs. He landed a blow in Esme’s stomach, sending her to all fours holding her stomach. As she looked up, he punched her in the face, then stomped her ribs forcing her to the ground. She groaned in pain as she fought to get back up on her hands and knees. Only to be kicked in the ribs and then thrown at the front door, sending her crashing through it with a yelp.