The wealthy pasha watched and listened as the entrants introduced themselves. The largest of the group, a towering Dragonborn, was the most capturing at first glance and the first to address him. Even as weathered as he seemed he was impressive in his own way, bestial and intimidating and yet seemingly civil. The titles “Brandon” shared were unfamiliar to the pasha and frankly he did not care enough about titles of those not from Calimshan to even feign an impressed look. Still, a Dragonborn knight would definitely be useful in what was to come. This was enough to earn a nod from the pasha, a slight one. While he found such beings as useful in their own way they were not his equals and he would spare them the barest of courtesy for business affairs alone. The second to address Jakeem was far more impressing upon him. A woman endowed with the finest wares of the nobility of Calimport, silks and jewelry, and not to mention such a seizing countenance behind the veil she shed away. Her skin and face was that of a Calishite and yet golden hair lochs of a northerner billowed down past her face and shoulders. Obviously a halfbreed, or perhaps magic? Little mattered in truth, Jakeem sensed she was a refined woman and well cultured, thus proven when she spoke annunciating herself and bowing before the pasha, greeting him properly to custom. There was something alluring about her and it was not simply her smoldering beauty. The markings on her skin, the grace she carried in the simplest movement, her voice like melted caramel, she was wondrous. But Jakeem was a restrained man and had more than enough experience dealing with fine women, offering her a more obvious nod and a bright smile. [i]A sorceress? An enchantress…?[/i] The third was another woman, mind you far less polished than the marvelous specimen whom had just exchanged with him. Her clothing, the crude tattoos, even her weapons, Jakeem knew her type before she even spoke, her plain addressing of him asserting that she was a typical uncultured roguish wanderer having made her way here in search of coin. Like the Dragonborn all she received was a simple nod lacking a smile. Then came the fourth and perhaps the most most undesirable of the lot, or so the pasha hoped. He looked to be little more than an elderly beggar, ragged clothes stained and reeking. He had no sort of weapons other than the ropes tied about his wrists and forearms which Jakeem assumed perhaps to relate to a form of martial art. The man’s entire appearance was unsavory in itself and his informal greeting just made Jakeem not like him that much more. The guards on either side were looking slightly around half expecting the order to have the old street rat removed. It did not come. The pasha merely grumbled slightly and managed a half nod. Even as rank as this man was Jakeem had learned that with adventurous types as these - social inferiors as they were - not to let their appearances fool him. That didn’t mean he had to like them of course. Stifling a slight gag Jakeem breathed into his hand as the fifth arrival approached. A dainty elven girl armed only with a staff. She was oddly energetic compared to the others and while seemingly polite she was still an uncultured dahyarif in the end. The bow for what it held was soured by her dropping her berries all over the floor, to which Jakeem slightly gritted his teeth. The final member of this ragtag collection approached. A Drow man, heavily armed and armored. Elves always proved hard to gauge but Jakeem figured this one to be rather experienced and rather aged. [b]”Greetings Jakeem el Kalil,”[/b] the dark elf made a proper annuv and bowed deeply, keeping his head low as he spoke [b],”I am Altonas.”[/b] He stood upright after a moment, saying nothing else, merely clasping his hands behind his back and standing firm and straight. Jakeem didn’t much care for Drow, typically they were devil worshiping thieves and cultists. This one seemed amiable enough, but Jakeem learned long ago not to let one polite smile endear you to an entire people. Much less such an ill reputed race as the Drow. But a Drow would be useful in various ways diving into the depths of an ancient ruin. Jakeem took a moment to consider the entire lot. The Dragonborn and Drow - Brandon and Altonas - were both very well armed and presumably veterans of extensive combat. Zasheir - or “Lumal” - was an uncertainty as was the elven girl Arrora, but both were surely capable of taking care of themselves and were at least two extra pairs of hands for the expedition. The other two women were undoubtedly able enough as well, Jakeem had no doubt about that. Jakeem cleared his throat, partially to expel the lingering smell of body odor that seemed to radiate from Zasheir. “It is good you have come. No doubt you all have heard tell of the expedition I am planning, and you know I seek able bodied individuals to aid me in my pursuit.” [b]“Do not forget the high pay.”[/b] Altonas interjected with sudden abrasiveness. Jakeem snickered slightly, reaching to twist at his goatee, “Yes, Drow, never forget the high pay. Do not worry you will be rewarded, all of you. But not now. I do not give reward in advance. If that bothers any of you then leave.” The pasha expected one or two of the group to turn on their heels and stride out, but happily none did. He saw a few irritated looks but overall they all seemed obliged to stay and hear him out. “Excellent,” Jakeem said, a leery smile crossing his face, “then I shall further explain. We will be traveling out of the city across the desert to an ancient ruin. I have already had my men secure it properly, but I need… ‘skilled’ individuals willing to brave these ruins in search of a very specific relic that I seek. I cannot risk sending a large force into the ruins, far too heavy of hand. You seem the capable bunch, if you work together you should have no trouble. Besides, no one person can dare that place alone.” [b]“What exactly is this place?”[/b] Altonas asked, beating anyone else to the question. Jakeem smiled, “It is an ancient sanctuary from an age long past. It is ridden with traps and… vermin, if you will. It holds valuable treasures as well as a certain item I desire. I will tell you more after we depart. The day is wasting away and I very much am anticipating reaching the ruins, if we leave now we will arrive just before sunset. I will have camels saddled for those of you without a steed of sorts. I suggest you fill your flasks, the desert is an unforgiving beast.” [hr] [hr] [img][/img] Jakeem had done as he said and provided camels for those who had no mount of their own. Well fed and well rested, the camels were a fine choice in riding out over the unforgiving [url=]Calim desert[/url]. Accompanying them were [url=]a dozen of the pasha’s best men[/url] as well as a handful of scouts who could be seen shadowing their small caravan at a distance, crossing over nearby dunes and ridges watching for trouble. Six of Jakeem’s men rode ahead by two’s with Jakeem behind them on his own mount, two more men at his back. The six hire-on’s all rode together more or less, Jakeem’s other four men at their backs spread apart in a loose formation. While the desert was mostly calm there was enough of a breeze to lift the sands to the air forcing the pasha to cowl his face, his men meanwhile shielded by the iron masks they wore. One of the scouts had approached them a short while ago informing them they were nearing the ruins to which Jakeem expressed relief, eager to be out of the sun and dust to and sheltered within his tent. He was unsure on where the others stood on encroaching on the ruins tonight, but if he had his way they would be convinced to do so. If not, well, he had waited this long.