[@Nightwing95][@HEAVY METAL][@RedXIII] Character Sheets MUST include but are not limited to: Name: Alias: Archetype: [Cannon, Inspired by (insert character), or Original] Age: [Prince Adam would be around twenty, Man At Arms would be closer to forty, King Randor pushing sixty or so, adjust accordingly...] Weapon[s] of Choice: Powers and Abilities: [don't get too nuts here] Weaknesses: Personality: Experience: [How long have you been active, battling threats, surviving the land, been a member of the Royal Guard,etc...] Appearance: [Even if it's an original, I'm sure you can find a piece of artwork to base the idea on or you can use MSPaint to rework the pixel micros I provide] BRIEF Bio: Notes: [anything you might need to add like changes to a cannon, specifics not covered elsewhere, etc..] Here's a [url=http://www.comicvine.com/masters-of-the-universe/4060-49536/]link to some info about the regular Masters of the Universe[/url] with lists/links on the right side a little ways down on the page for members and enemies. You'd have to do a specific search for anything from the other variants on the He-Man franchise. If I can get CS's from everyone showing interest and another player or two I think we may have enough to move forward. However I'm looking for more completed CS's before starting the OOC or IC too quickly. You don't have to be a huge He-Man fan to enjoy this. If swords and sorcery with a tad bit of tech involved is your thing, or you're a fan of 80's cartoons, this game is for you!