[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210708/1d154863c43596c2f31ec74a4e1263a1.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KXHSBz2.png[/img][/center] [color=CC3366][b]Time:[/b][/color] 9 AM [color=CC3366][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside Roshmi Palace [color=CC3366][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@hide on mana] Kuroi [color=CC3366][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [color=CC3366][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider]Bag of essentials Rope Katana Wakizashi 10 kunai Several pieces of jewelry to sell Pouch with 1000 amas Bread Water Cheese Letter[/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WNOeSeM.png[/img][/center] This man was a good man, that's all that kept running through Mika's mind as Kuroi helped her out. She would owe him big time for this, she would not forget this. Once the guards apologized and left back to their posts, Mika obeyed and moved towards Kuroi. She also motioned for him to continue walking with her as she flinched at his statement. [Color=CC3366]"Let me preface everything by informing you that if you disagree with what I'm about to tell you and you wish to turn me in I will accept this. I will not fight you as I do not wish for you or your family's name to be tarnished in any way."[/color] Was this the best way to begin a conversation? No, it definitely wasn't, but this man deserved honesty and needed to know he had a choice. [Color=CC3366]"Some will view my plans as treasonous, but I have reasoning behind my actions. I am meeting with someone who is gathering a rebellion to take down the Dark Elf twins. I have been working with them for a while from the shadows, but after what happened last night and knowing how my father plans to handle things I can no longer remain in the shadows."[/color] Mika kept her voice low as she spoke so only he could hear, all too aware of the potential of hidden ears. She glanced around briefly, before continuing. [Color=CC3366]"My father is a coward, he wishes to negotiate peace with the Dark Elves even if that means handing the kingdom over to them. He would allow all of us to become slaves in order to save his own skin. I cannot stand aside and watch as my people lose their freedom, to become little more than livestock to those elves. I cannot let the death of those, the death of my brother, go unpunished."[/color] She glanced sideways at Kuroi, knowing this was likely a lot to take in. She was so afraid he was going to get angry with her and turn her in. Could she blame him, though? She was dragging him into something huge. [Color=CC3366]"I need to be stronger, I know this. If you are still willing, I would be ever grateful to you for training me. I will make sure you are well compensated for it. If this is something you wish not to be involved in then I understand. I have a letter that will clear your name and prove you knew nothing of this. I will make sure everyone is aware that you were merely a pawn and had nothing to do with my schemes, you have my word."[/color] Now all Mika could do was wait for his reaction. She tried to keep a brave face, but she couldn't completely hide her trembling.