[b][i]Rider and Assassin of Purple[/i][/b] Before Judah can land a hit on Rider of Purple, the boat [i]tilted[/i] sharply to the left, hopefully enough to cause the Black Servants to lose their footing... Although the Vampires and Oni Mixed-Bloods were caught off-guard as well, almost falling off the ship. Assassin of Purple, however, kept her poise despite the tilt, and gave a small yawn as the ship righted itself a second later. She then looked at her Black Team counterpart, then the Lancer of Black, before saying her next words with deliberate arrogance and condescension. "Huh, it seems you won't just fall over and die for us," she taunted, "Well, you [i]ocean devils[/i] - No offense, Purple Rider - Have made a grave mistake in fighting a captain on his own ship! Valiant soldiers of the Imperial Army," she addressed the remaining Vampires and Oni Mixed-Bloods, "Charge! Sell your lives for your Soveriegn!" The Purple Team troops charged with renewed abandon, with the Oni Mixed-Bloods losing themselves to their 'Inversion Impulse', granting them increased strength, control over fire, and telekinesis, the latter which was used to try and fling Lancer and Assassin of Black off the decks. Each Vampire and Oni Mixed-Blood can take up to three blows from a Servant before dying, and if they hit, it would be enough to make a Servant feel pain. And there were nineteen (now eighteen) Vampires and ninteen Oni Mixed-Bloods to face the two Servants. So Assassin of Purple hoped that once all of [i]those[/i] had been eliminated, that the two Black Team Servants would at least be winded. Nevertheless, if by some unfortunate chance, Assassin and Lancer of Black were unscathed... That would not alter their next moves. Once the ship's crew had fallen, Assassin of Purple would look at her Black counterpart and say, "It's TIME for punishment - [b][url=https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Manual_of_Accusation]Manual of Accusation[/url][/b]!" Judah would then find himself falling, falling downwards into a black pit, filled with toxic, acidic poison at the bottom, poison which could overcome even the extraordinary resilience of a Servant. To all outside, however, it all seemed as though he disappeared for a second, sinking into a deep dark hole, before being spat out, hopefully damaged. As for Lancer of Black, he'd find Rider of Purple tipping over the ship once again, no, not tipping, it was actually doing a [i]barrel roll[/i]! [@SSW][@Yukitamas]