[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 3: 10/30 Word Count: 627 Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 11/30[/center] The rockets connected! Her plan worked pretty damn well. Shadow the Hedgehog (Yes, the one from the video game) briefly appeared and screwed over his teammate. Shortly there afterward, her new semi-sentient rocket launcher blew Fuse to bits. Well, mostly. He was still alive, which was good. He used something to warp out. She'd probably have to beat him twice. "I have no idea how to reload this thing." Jesse said, taking a closer look at her rocket launcher. After a few moments she just set it down on the floor. It was just slowing her down. Maybe she'd go back and pick it up later, or something. "Anyway." Jesse plucked at the fabric of her shirt, which was also repaired by the Friend Heart. Now that she was free of Galeem's influence, Jesse's eyes were the blue-green they were supposed to be instead of covered by that red sheen. A great weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she could now comprehend the full depth of the situation. There was nothing she hated more than not having full control of her faculties. For the first time in a long time, she could think clearly. "Thank you, Princess Midna." Jesse went over to Midna to take her hand and shake it. "Thank you so much for whatever you just did. I finally know what we're up against!" She smiled. "Oh, and, uh, saving my life. That's what I get for going easy on people." Jesse wouldn't make that mistake again. It was shoot to kill from here on out. If that guy could survive getting blown to hell, then there was no reason to do anything other than open fire at full force. Let them get lucky or unlucky, for all she cared. Jesse sighed, putting a hand on her own shoulder and rolling it. "Jesus Christ. This is the largest Altered World Event in history. That must be what the Metaverse is. Thresholds of different worlds being pulled together-" Cutting herself off, she looked at Midna and shrugged. "Apologies. Bureau jargon. And also, teenager jargon." The redhead glanced around. Time to focus on the situation at hand. "Unfortunate we couldn't capture that guy. At least we shut him up, though, huh? Wonder where he went. Or maybe we got lucky and he just vaporized himself." Jesse Faden surveyed the battle scene for a moment. A decent portion of the group had been split off from the other by a teleport. However a large amount of skirmishes were still happening in the center room. The two kids were battling a viking. The Dragonborn, who Jesse now recognized as the Skyrim Guy. The two overlords needed help, it looked like. Or at least, they could use it. Maybe they were demons or wizard or whatever, but they still looked and acted like bratty kids. So the Director was inclined to help them. "I'm going over there." Jesse said to Midna, pointing to the Dragonborn and Mao's showdown. The Phantom Thieves were going to help Ciella with her punch-woman problem. The Director summoned forth her Service Weapon and sprinted forward. Once she was about twenty feet away she got into a crouching position and lined up a shot on the Dragonborn. Mao was going in for some kind of showy bounce-off-the-wall attack. A skilled viking warrior might have something to say about that. In order to help prevent him from dodging or blocking, Jesse aimed for Dragonborn's lower half. Hitting his legs anywhere would reduce his mobility or just hurt like hell and distract him. It also reduced the chance for friendly fire, since Mao was in the air. With all this in mind, she fired off several hard-hitting rounds at the back of the Dragonborn's kneecaps. Ouch.