"...Mroof." Ok. Being a hundred percent fair here? This is not a wolf thing that's happening right now. That was not a wolf noise, ok? That was a I Am Sore And Tired And I'm Very Glad You're Full Of Energy Today, Hyra, But If You Will Recall SOMEBODY Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Use My Butt As A Lesson Planner So Now I Can't Move And Also Do You Have Any Idea What Time It Is Right Now It's Like Wait What How Can It Be Ten Thirty Already Hwaaaaaaaa(?!) kind of a noise, y'know? In her defense, Yue didn't really sleep all through the night. Not quitting means not quitting, all right? She snuck out of bed not too long after everyone else fell asleep so she could practice padding around in the dark. It was pretty easy, y'know? Well, it was hard. You don't understand how much extra brain work goes into walking on four legs until you suddenly have to do it. Crawling's not remotely the same; this way she's gotta do it while her brain's telling her that she's standing up, only there's two more feet involved and just... woof. Right? That's a wolf expression, by the way, you wouldn't understand. Anyway! Surprisingly good night vision. That's how come it was easy. Plus, this was before she realized just how sore she actually was, see? Like, ok sure, she got slapped a bunch on the thighs by a wooden sword and her wolf body didn't really feel [i]less[/i] ouchie than her human one had, but there's... there's pain, right? Ouchie ouchie pain. And then there's the stuff that comes after, where it sinks deeeeeeeeep into your muscles and becomes a whole other demon. That's what she's got now, on account of the two hours of walking practice and the two less hours of sleep. Plus, she couldn't figure out how to get comfy with the whole "curl up into a ball" routine because she just couldn't accept it as good posture so she wound up just sort of sprawled out on her side which didn't really help the sore butt for at least half of her. Anyway, that's how come Mroof. You'd make that noise too, if your girlfriend came in wielding chocolate pancakes and coffee before you were ready for wakeies, if you had the kinda night she did. Can't even say if it was worth it right now, she feels almost as ridiculous as she looks high stepping with four exhausted paws. One, two, three, four and one, two, three, four there's a good girl, think about each of them and you can do it! But when she makes it to Hyra? Oh, she's such a good girl! Kissing involves a lot more tongue than she remembers, but she covers her girlfriend's (yes!!) beautiful face with them the best way she knows how. And she lies down and waits very patiently for her nail to be painted with a magic spell, even before she understands what it's for. And then? Oh gosh! Goshies, Hyra! Wow! Jump, Yue! Jump for joyowowowowowiessss.... flop. But flop in front of pancakes. Still a win! She sniffs the air with her silly nose and... oh wow! Oh [i]wow![/i] Do you have any idea how good melted chocolate smells when you've got a sniffer this sensitive? No, you do not. You do not know, because you are not a wolf. I can tell because you're reading this. But ohhhhhhh goodness goshy woof woof! It's strong and sweet and somehow it even [i]smells[/i] gooey, y'know? You don't. We just established this. Not a wolf. But still. Y'know? Her attempt at a first bite does not go as well as it should. Yue opens her mouth and brings her head down to her plat but she... can't... how does? She fit this? In there?? Um? Hyra? She licks the fluffy disc and, oh!! It's good! She wants it in her mouth please! But every time she moves to bite down she can't get the angle right and it's like somebody gave her an impossible koan. What is the sound of one wolf eating pancakes? Turns out it's a lot of frustrated whining. She gets her face smeared with chocolate and not much else. Method number two doesn't go much better. Yue you sillyhead, what made you think you could hold a fork with paws? [i]How[/i] were you planning on cutting this up, exactly? W-well it's just... w-woof! Shut up! Mmmmph. Maybe if she just... kinda gave up and shoved her face in there? No no no, it's no good it doesn't feel right. Her fur is covered in sticky chocolate and sweet syrup and as nice as it tastes when her tongue laps against it she's gonna need a bath now before she's ready to face the day and her tummy is still all grumbly complainy empty-like. But this is not a sad story! This is the story of Hyra, the perfectly astonishingly amazingly cutieful oh-so-good-with-fingers handmaiden-turned-angel who smiles and laughs with all kinds of teasing energy that's still completely empty of mockery. There's just no room for it inside of all the love. This is the story of the woman who picks up [i]utensils[/i] and in a flash of truly superior swordsmanship has converted breakfast from an impossible enigma into a series of proper (dainty, even) bite sized chunks of delicious pancakey goodness. The riddle solved, Yue chows down with gusto! The noises she makes are as embarrassing as they are happy! She barks between almost every bite and her tail! Won't! Stop! Goshies!! The coffee is bitter, but sooooo nice as it slides down her throat, a perfect contrast to the sweetness of her breakfast that fills her with energy and determination in equal parts. But she's still a mess, isn't she? Well darn, guess she's going to have to bathe. With Hyra. W-w-w-w-wait a second oh gosh!!!!