Hey there, rose here, and I have a few ideas swirling in the ole noggin, but first some rules and expectations Rules: 1. Must be 18+, my RP’s often include mature themes, dark and twisted plots, and so this is a must. Not that every RP will include or has to include romance or adult content, if it should arise I’d prefer not to fade. It just takes me out of the story a bit sorry I also do MxF or FxF, some plots below have me as either male or female some have me as a specific one. 2. I write anywhere from 2-5 paragraphs depending on the situation, if it’s dialogue, etc. that being said I expect a similar length from my partners. 3. I write at a high casual level so grammar and proofreading are important, not gonna say I won’t or haven’t made mistakes before but it’s it becomes a problem I will have no issues bringing it up as tons and tons of typos makes reading hard. 4. All RP’s will remain in PM’s I’m old school and it’s just my comfort 5. Have fun!! But if your not and need to end the RP for any reason you can just say something, we can either try and rework to find a somethingn your missing or we can end all together, either way no hard feelings. If you, because it’s easier, want to ghost me, that’s fine, if two weeks go by and I haven’t heard anything I’ll assume it’s done and move on. Now we can get to the stuff that really matters, plots! [hider=Plot 1: Naruto, A shinobi’s tale] For this plot we would do something a little different. You would create a ninja of chuunin age and I would play everyone else in the world as I sort of DM you through a 1 on 1 5e campaign using some homebrew rules I have available. Your decisions would shape how it plays out as I let the world unfold around you. This can contain adult content if desired, but will contain mature themes, as well as violence, blood and death at times. [/hider] [hider=Samurai in conflict] For this I would like to play two military general of the same army during the warring states period, would contain action and adventure, as well as political and strategy as we plot in war councils and behind each others back. Could contain romance and adult content if we so choose [/hider] [hider=Haikyuu 1] In this idea you would create a player on a highschool team and I would dm the game this would be using a homebrew supplement I created to make 5e work for volleyball, your roles would determine with your choices how to info play out [/hider] [hider=Haikyuu 2 ] We would both make people on a volleyball team and play out a slice from there, as we struggle not only wihh th classes and being teenager but also with the sport we love [/hider] [hider=Basketball anime] This would be a 1 on 1 5e game using a supplement as I dm you through your highschool basketball experience complete with animeesq powers and abilities [/hider] [hider=P5 plot 1 ] For this you or I would play Ren or joker, and the other would play the canon girls in a harem style RP with plenty of adult content [/hider] [hider=P5 plot 2] I have a female OC I would love to pair with Joker if that would interest anyone. Would contain us going through our own version of the game with her joining. The theives and having her own confidant story entangled in [/hider]