Walking the hills towards the border of Rose, Kalaya would have been happy had her day ended here. On the road, surrounded by Petony and her retinue, singing songs and travelling through the driving rain. Compared to how they'd been acting earlier, and the unintentional harm they'd been causing those poor inkeepers - this was a [i]win[/i]. It didn't matter whether they found anything, they were no longer sitting in a tavern getting drunk, they were travelling the country with a solid intent to do good. A force for making the world better. It was enough to put a smile on her face and an energy in her step. The smile lasted as long as it took to find the battle. "Wait." she said, grabbing Petony's arm. "Safeguard the living first. The captain can wait until the people are safe." Drawing her sword, she grins a hard smile. "Let's do some good. For Rose and Lilly!!" Descending the hill, Kalays runs smoothly through the paddies, dancing from spur to embankment to traverse the water without getting bogged down. Her sword flashes, striking out at the demons like a silver ribbon of light in the night. A demon turns, catching a foot to the stomach and the pommel to the head before it really knows what is going on. A second locks blades only to find itself unbalanced and beneath water when Kalaya pushes it into a divot in the paddy it hadn't noticed. A twirl and flick and the third's sword is dashed against rocks, breaking into shards. All of it leaving them at the mercy of the men with clubs and fury that follow in her wake. The plan in simple - she and Petony are the sharp point to the spear, while the retinue are the haft to deal with the demons once downed or disarmed. Her intent is to drive a wedge into the demons' flank. Distract them long enough for the farmers and soldiers to rally and counterattack. [Rolling an 8 on Defy Disaster on behalf of those in the farmstead. Gallant Rescue will trigger somewhere here, but not sure who to claim a string on.]