Scott finished off the beer and threw it against the wood heater, shattering the bottle. He had to climb his way out of the sagging couch. [color=Lime]" I gotta drain the lizard."[/color] Belching, Scott exits back into the hallway, and swings open the door. [color=Lime]"Definitely not the bathroom."[/color] Closing the door, Scott opens the door to the Kitchen, and sees another door. "[color=Lime]"Weird place for a bathroom to be?"[/color] He opened the door to find a small walkthru to another door, [color=Lime]"Fuck man, I'll piss myself before finding a damn bathroom!"[/color] Scott opens the door and much to his relief, he found the bathroom, and thank goodness he did, because his stomach rumbled. [color=Lime]"Damn breakfast burrito and beer don't mix well."[/color] He takes a seat on the cracked porcelain throne, before noticing there is no toilet paper, [color=Lime]"son of a...."[/color]