[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise Interaction with: [@bloonewb][/center] She frowned a bit, noticing the other male was not happy with her answer. But Vyarin stopped him from continuing and sent him on his way. She went back to her usual smile when Vyarin’s attention went back to her. She had gone back to watching her father so she hadn’t paid much attention to the conversation that was happening beside her. Annalise nodded when the Prince explained to her Tellos’s position. She had half missed that also, but her attention went fully to the Prince when he asked if something was wrong. She hadn’t realized she had drawn his attention to the situation. She didn’t want to start a panic so she motioned for the Prince to bend over so she could explain without the nobles around listening in. When he got close enough that she could whisper to him she spoke. “I apologize, the nobles here are very excited about the events to come and so have been watching us rather closely. I do not want to cause alarm so I figured this was the best way.” She glanced around to make sure nobody tried to lean in and listen more closely. She didn’t want to lie to him so she simply told him what she knew. “One of my sisters is missing. I watched my father call for her and there was no response. It is not uncommon for my sisters to leave early from these events, however I am worried this time it may be something more. After his initial order to go find her I haven’t been able to read his lips. He has carefully positioned himself so I cannot see his face when he speaks. If there is danger my father will likely quietly have the guards escort myself and my other sister either to our rooms or the safe room as well as all the suitors depending on the danger level. For now we wait and keep up appearances. Do not give the nosey nobles something to worry about.” She pulled away to gauge his reaction. She knew he wouldn’t freak out, he didn’t seem the type, but she hoped he was at least decent at hiding his concerns.