[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 6: 04/60 Location: The Maw: The Depths Word Count: 534 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 05/60 [/center] Sakura looked up at the Mockingbird as he finally realised his situation. Poor guy. It really was Mirage. A digital copy, maybe, but...well, Kasugano Sakura has made friends with at least two clones. People call in all shapes and sizes from all different places and sources. This diving suit with a consciousness was no different. Much to her surprise, the diving suit knelt down and started to apologize to her. For what happened to Carl. Sakura thought she was done crying for now, but she wasn't. Geez! She was going to carve a canyon into her cheeks at this rate. Or die of dehydration. [color=f49ac2]"Oh...oh it's okay, Mister Mira- uh. [i]Mirage-kun[/i]."[/color] She reassured him, wiping her eyes in vain. Sakura corrected herself based on his request from earlier, to not make him feel old. [color=f49ac2]"Thank you, though. For the apology. It does make me feel better."[/color] Sakura sniffed. She glanced over at the murky waters, thinking about that horrible man/kitty eating monster they were going to have to face off with. They were under there, ready to jump out and try to gobble up one of her friends. If only she could do anything to help! She definitely felt like one of the worst kid versions out of everyone here. Compared to what Bowser Jr could do, it was downright embarassing. The diving suit didn't seem to mind though. With a bout of showmanship he leapt to meet the challenge. [color=f49ac2]"Wha-"[/color] Sakura said in surprise. She laugh-cried. [color=f49ac2]"B-be careful Duerage! It's dangerous down there! Take care of Junior-kun for us!"[/color] Sakura wiped at her face again. It really wasn't doing anything, though. Shallow breathes were all she could manage. Now she stood next to Bella.[color=f49ac2] "They'll be fine, Miss Bella. Junior's the best pilot out of all of us, you know?"[/color] Sakura reassured her friend. And herself. It looked like the plan was to distract the fish man, making plenty of noise somewhere else so Junior, Duerage, and Junior's pet Pokemon, and Mirage remote piloting the BULL. (...Mister Carl...oh, darn it.) The idea of the BULL drove a knife to the inside of Sakura's belly, reminding her of the hunger. She'd managed to ignore it sometimes, mainly because of her training. She'd gone a long time without food before. But now, the pain was getting to her in reminding her of the bad things that had happened thus far. At least she managed to help Duerage see the truth. Now she just needs to help him workshop a better name. Rika and Bowser were having a conversation, one she thought she would butt in on. [color=f49ac2]"Mister Bowser! Be nice to Mister Link. He's on our team. And he's being very brave."[/color] She looks at Rika. Trying to be a better example for her.[color=f49ac2] "The only way..."[/color] She inhales, catching her breathe. [color=f49ac2]"The only way we're winning, is if we work together."[/color] The kid punched her palm to emphasize her point. Her face was still pretty red from all the crying she had been doing. And still was partially doing. Realising this she turned away, embarassed. [color=f49ac2]"Man. Does anyone have...a tissue or something?"[/color] She sniffed. Her hands really weren't doing the job.