[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Priorities⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] Words were slow to return to Penny, but they did return. They returned just in time for her to understand that both Dan and Oros had discounted her. The dolphin apparently shared with the deranged dimension hopper’s belief that Penny wouldn’t apologize. Or he had gotten worked up enough by the girl’s accusations that he simply forgot about Penny. It hardly mattered to Penny. Not after his disregard displayed about the whole sexual assault. Yet it did put her into a strange spot. His punishment still lingered, but he was gone. Oros was off, and Penny had no desire to chase her down to give an apology, for she truly didn’t want to. Had the Patron and the crazed maho stuck around she might have, but not any longer. Oros didn’t deserve it. [color=4F8092][u]“I͘ ́am so̧r͘ŕy̷[/u][/color] She would say turning towards MDP, her voice crackling with static [color=4F8092][u]“That ̨y͡ou h̀a̡d ̷ to deal with that. That I hadn’t noticed an͘d̛ s͞t͢o̵pp͝e͜d it́ ͠before it happened.”[/u][/color] Because her girlfriend did. There would be a sound of a metal latch being throw as Penny turned her attention to where her coat hanger limbs connected to her shoulder. Casually she would open her mouth to reveal that her teeth had been replaced with rows of serrated blades, though one would only have a moment to notice this before Penny bit down on her own limb. A sharp jerk of her head and the deformed limb would tear away almost cleanly and a few moments of chewing later it would be consumed. A process that was quickly repeated with her other arm. Afterwards Penny would focus her magic and her regeneration towards the self-inflicted damage. Something she could still do since the snowball fight was brought to such a sudden conclusion. The full process was obscured by the illusion overlayed onto her by Dan’s realm, but MDP would be able to see the base frame work be rebuilt first as well as some of the inner workings. With her arms back in working order Penny would continue her repair by removing the springs that were once her spider limbs in a similar fashion as her prior coat hanger arms. She would chow down on them as well, but their repair process would be hidden completely due to the illusion. Plus, they weren’t as much of a priority so Penny was content to let them regen slowly. After all that, which hadn’t taken a lot of time strictly speaking, Penny would go though the motions of taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. The last of the stress in her frame vanishing as let that breath out. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Now that the find and replace witch is no longer a problem”[/b][/u][/color] She would say rolling her eyes. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Anything you want to do? Pretty sure that we’d have run of the ice rink or the building areas since most people are likely off to the race.”[/b][/u][/color] She would offer up. She wasn’t really in a mood to cross paths with Oros, nor was she in a competitive mood either. [sub] [@Ponn] [/sub]