[h1][color=6633ff][b]Yozoru Hoshi[/b] [sub]The Cosmic Hero[/sub][/color] [/h1] [h1][color=33ff99][b]Nikushimi Shinsetsuna[/b] [sub]The Malicious Hero[/sub][/color] [/h1] And so, the lot of them descended on the hero like their lives depended on it. Aegis’ mood was made first. Al he did was point at her, and Nikushmi was already leapt into the air. Deitrich’s quirk let him generate barriers, it was obvious that if he was raising a hand to an enemy, he could change its shape to some form a weapon. That’s one attack evaded, now Keiji’s attack…A soaring kick. Nikishimi didn’t even flinch. In a fluid motion from her jump, she swatted his leg away, swinging his body around so his arm was reachable. Before hitting the ground, Keiji was already flying backwards towards Emiho, who was trying to take the long range apparoach. A smarter move, to be sure, but an unsuccessful one. That left Yozoru and Shinon…and Shinon’s monsoon. An unprecedented surge of water had been conjured behind the pro. Shinon was a little more skilled at this than Nikushimi had anticipated. [color=33ff99]”Interesting.”[/color] The hero didn’t even move, rather, she waited to draw a weapon from her person. A strangely shaped firearm with maleficent intent. Nikushimi quickly aimed her handgun at Shinon’s general direction and started firing blind shots, or rather, what appeared to be blind shots. She was aiming at the surroundings to scare her off. As she did so, she charged, leaping up from what could’ve been a 20 foot drop right into the balcony where Shinon and Yozoru still had been. Her next attack would be directed at Yozoru, who could easily fire off a long distance attack with varying degrees of success. [color=6633ff]”Wha- Oh sh-“[/color] In the midst of the attack, she had pressed her watch’s suit release to prepare the engine, which cushioned her slam into the wall, but now Nikushimi was standing on top of her. And she was struggling to shake her off. [color=33ff99]”This is what pro-level combat is like.”[/color] She turned to both of them with a very, [b]very[/b] nerve-racking tone in her voice. [color=33ff99]”Either you fight, or you die. Villains don’t give mercy. Is this really the best you can do? You, Hoshi. You wanted to surpass Zeal, and this is what you showed up w-“[/color] Yozoru’s suit popped an opening in it’s center, a shining sphere of light and fire was revealed. That prompted Nikushimi to backpedal away from the obnoxious blast that came forward. It was like someone had put a shotgun in her chest. Yozoru’s body let out what could only be described as a burning laser of starlight, which burned a hole in the roof of the training field. She then spun to her feet and shoulder charged Nikushimi…off of the balcony. Nikushimi tumbled down and landed on her feet like a cat. [color=33ff99]”A combat reset, I’m impressed.”[/color] The hero was, however, still composed. Shit, where’d her gun go? [color=6633ff]”Everyone! Now!”[/color] Yozoru exclaimed, levitating off the balcony as she readied a blast of starlight. The idea was to combine their quirks into an all-or-nothing attack. Up to this point, though the fight had only started a few seconds ago, they were already scattered. If they didn’t put up everything they had, they might as well have put up nothing.