[h2]Sam Winchester[/h2] Sam started at Dean, a fire still burning within his eyes. He watched as Dean stumbled backward from his punch. In his anger, he had forgotten how hard his punches could be. “I couldn’t care less about your headache!” he yelled. He balled his fist, getting ready to take another swing at Dean. He glared at Dean as he tried to keep his calm and keep him from punishing him again. “I know full well you wanted a drink and a break! And you don’t have to tell me I can take a break as well!” he continued angrily. “But that doesn’t mean you just go MIA!” Sam saw the shove coming and planted his feet to become immovable. He took the shove from Dean, not budging an inch. He would not be shoved out of the way just like that. He could also see that Dean was trying to keep from fighting him. Sam looked over at the bed when Dean gestured towards it and Esme. She had just gotten off of it and was gripping the blanket tightly around herself. He watched as she made her way to the bathroom, looking a little sick as she closed the door. He mentally kicked himself for blowing up in front of her, and not realizing that she was even in the room. He sighed heavily as he looked back at Dean, his face relaxing a tiny bit. It was clear to see that it still pissed him off that Dean went radio silent and didn’t answer any of the calls or text that he had sent him. Sam closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm himself. He knew Dean was right about what he said, but it still bothered him that he couldn’t send at least one message back on his whereabouts.