[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vxVtdfDODX8m_po-UlgEUIY0Ky9Ubui3a2tAwPomYnk/https/i.imgur.com/6kC4WvK.png[/img] [color=fdc68a]On the N-Train[/color] [@Duoya][@canaryrose][/center] [hr] The woman in the red shirt cracked one eye open as she was asked a question. This was Travis Einstein, also known as Dead Man. One of the newer recruits. Tough as a walnut, apparently. Ever since joining up thirty or so years ago, Pandora's slowly been developing her "actually try" muscles again. So she knows everyone's names and a basic outline of their powers, too. Wonders could be worked if one bothered to read the files. It's also why she didn't just tell him to fuck off with some kind of biting remark. Not that the option wasn't extremely tempting. So tempting was the option, that she ended up kind of doing it anyway. It was like second nature. [color=fdc68a]"We've penciled the pirates in to arrive at 4:15 PM, Travis. The scrap should take about five minutes, clean up about ten. That way everyone'll be home for supper."[/color] She replied, not a hint of sarcasm in her voice. The northern british accent she maintained out of spite was clear in her voice. Pandora switched the crossing of her legs, adjusting how the suspenders sat on her shoulders. A few moments later, a very quiet voice prodded into the room. Pandora turned over her shoulder to see the girl introduce herself as Marcie. The Donnelly-Alexander girl, one of the daughters of Patricia and Eliza. From what little she had seen, it definitely seemed like she took after Eliza. Especially the "Murmer" part. Eighteen already, ready to be a soldier. Shuffle in left, exit stage right. So it goes. [color=fdc68a]"Speak up, love, we can barely hear you. You can sit wherever you'd like, as long as it isn't the window sill."[/color] Pandora replied. Then Pandora leaned down, reaching under her seat and fetching her satchel. Retrieving it she began sifting through. Would she try to...entertain these two? Maybe. Failing that, she could at least annoy them slightly. [color=fdc68a]"You two ever play a game called Twenty-One? You might know it as Blackjack." [/color] From her satchel she produced a deck of playing cards. Extending a hand out to the side of the train, she pulled out a little table. There wasn't a table there, as far as she knew, but there was one now, for she willed it so. She even wrapped a hand on the bottm of the table and yanked a stand out of it, welding it to the floor with a nudge of her foot so it wouldn't fall over. [color=fdc68a]"Get two random cards, tell the dealer to give you another one in the goal to get as close to 21 as possible without going over. Whoever has the closest, wins. I, the dealer, put down two cards of my own. If my hand ends up the closest, both of you lose. If you two aren't interested, I'll just play solitaire and you can watch on longingly. But we have some time to kill until 4:15 PM. And I'm well away how easily you people get bored."[/color] Pandora said. Holding the cards in her hand, she began shuffling them about in various ways with her Alteration powers. Mixing them in with each other and floating them from hand to hand. Oooh, aaah. For a long time there she was worried about what might happen if people put together what her powers were. Only so many heroes in existence with Absolute Matter Alteration. But Pandora stopped giving a shit about that before she even joined up with HERO. Keeping her original name off people's lips was the only reason she even bothered with the whole incognito thing. Besides, there'd probably be some sort of...kerfuffle. However minor, after all these years. Just let people speculate. Maintaining the secrecy of her powers themselves was just a pain in the ass.