Upon finishing the safety brief, Lantea noticed a few odd glances sent her way. [color=CF61E1]”It’s not on yet, I’m not [i]that[/i] mad.”[/color] she hurried to reassure her teammates. Liyah raised a good point regarding failsafes though. [color=CF61E1]”If I remember IT classes right, deleting a file just tells the operating system that it can overwrite the disk sectors that file is saved on with a different file. Unless something else is saved in those sectors, a tech with the right software and skills can still recover whatever was on that drive. Question is whether she, or rather her tech department, know this - which I assume they would - and whether they can do it before we prevent it.”[/color] she shared her view on the problem, [color=CF61E1]”Don’t think it’s too outlandish to think she’d have a VI made for that. As for preventing it, easy enough to disconnect the drives if it’s something compact. If she's got a whole server farm in the basement, different story. We could try cutting power and hauling ass to get there before backups kick in. Unless she spent a few hundred credits and got herself a UPS.”[/color] the Asari mused. She blinked a few times in surprise when Osum revealed his role in the team. [color=CF61E1]”O...kaaaay. Don’t get shot, reason number 371.”[/color] she whispered to Liyah with a grin. Then Jorge asked for suggestions. [color=CF61E1]”Well I’m assuming you read my file, people don’t hire me for the quiet approach. If only we had someone on the team with ‘a great deal of experience with leading infiltration missions.’ Probably his greatest asset or something.”[/color] she parroted Sivus’ words, turning to the Turian, [color=CF61E1]”So I hope your skills can pay the check your mouth if writing, birdman.”[/color] Lantea quipped as she secured her helmet. [color=CF61E1]”Tech armor coming on. I’m disabling the visual aids until we’re overt.”[/color] They wanted to be stealthy. An Asari surrounded by a bright blue glow was everything but. The helmet fortunately hid her expression. The reason Turians developed Shock and Awe is that it was simple and effective. To Lantea, ‘stealth’ and ‘subterfuge’ were just different ways of saying ‘delay’ and ‘extra effort’. And if or when they get discovered, they’ll be forced to react instead of acting, dancing to REDFOR’s tune instead of controlling the battle. Not ideal. Far from it actually. And if mechs were in the mix, even worse. FLIR, motion sensors, connection to the target structure’s security system, automatically alerting maintenance when a mech goes down, sound detection a hyperacusic Salarian on LSD couldn’t even dream of… [color=CF61E1]”Maybe we should’ve figured this out before we were literally opening the door? Like during the briefing or the shuttle ride? Just a suggestion. Why couldn’t the person on the inside do it again?”[/color] she asked no one in particular, gaze focused on what lay beyond the gate.