Neil opened his mouth to speak, not once but twice during the conversation, but it was clear they were discussing business. Shrugging, he decided to look around the desks and drawers around the Master to see if he could find what he needed to finish his project, the sliding and closing of the drawers every few moments drew on until his superior gave him a look that told him to leave their presence in no uncertain terms. He might be tonedeaf when he was focused on something, but here he took the cue quickly and bowed out, confused at to what exactly he should be doing at the moment. "Let's look back at the records before the closing," Gunter reasoned, continuing his conversation as Neil glanced back and saw the woman stepping out. His eyes went from her to his master, to Otto, to the woman, and then behind him. He knew immediately he was going to go and talk to her more candidly. What else was he expected to do? There wasn't a rule against it, even if he'd be scolded for it. He just needed a way to walk past his master without being noticed. So he decided to do what he did best: Went around back and hopped the wall onto the street. As he clambered up the stone wall, using his dexterous fingers to find the slightest holds before he crested the twelve foot obstacle, he was about to swing his legs over when a voice behind him called up to him. "Oi, boy! What the hells do you think you're doing?" He heard, the voice about as rough as coal. Neil turned back to see Moradar the Dwarf out in the yard, holding an anvil in his brawny hands. Neil opened his mouth to speak yet again, trying to find the right excuse. A lost wrench wouldn't work. No explosions had just occurred, and nothing had been shot over the wall. The young man had been caught entirely red handed. Where had that Dwarf been to sneak up on him like that? "I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing!" He called down, which caused the Dawi to erupt in laughter. "Well, as long as yer honest with me, lad. Go on and go about your business!" He declared surprisingly. Dwarfs were keen on law and custom, but honesty as well it seemed. Neil made a mental note to give that Dwarf some help in the future. Right now, however, he had a golden woman to talk to. It was Ranald's luck his feet didn't sink into any garbage; the cobblestones beneath his feet wet and grimy, but not entirely filled with waste. A few steps ahead lead him out into the open street, and he kicked his feet on the curb to make sure nothing was on them. Cool, nothing. He longed for the day he could afford to buy new shoes, new clothes, something big to eat. He glanced to his right and noticed his mark, curious on if it was prudent to steal something from her while her back was turned. No, he didn't come out here to thieve, at least yet. Beautiful noblewomen were a bit more rare than a loose purse, after all. This one was also smirking for some reason. Interesting. "They make me wait out in the cold too." He said to announce himself, sliding up to her. He sported a brown jacket over his usual linen shirt, but even that wouldn't be warm enough once the sun began to fall. He pulled his open jacket a bit further closed as he smiled. "Are you new to Nuln? You've got the look of a Reikland girl."