Kira was about to ask her new friend Jack another question when she sensed a scent that made her blood run colder than ice and seemed to freeze from flowing any further. She also silently sniffed the air a few times as if a wolf would do to gain information of it's surroundings, mentally mumbing before she turned around swiftly, her long locks of black hair brushing against the bare fresh of her elegant, swan like neck while trying to figure out the origin of a loud, unknow screamn like outburst before it even happened. As if in sync she heard a few more of them in a few other directions. She was not terrified but she was concerned, deeply concerned for what happened, nodding as he heard Achille. She had premonitions and that was what she was gifted with since her birth. She could see thing that happened before well .. before it happened. So that was it .. the dead had risen, she had heard this in many movies and fictional books she had read. She was also one of them. She was a vampire but she did not wish harm on humans like the undead did. She just needed to quench her thirst from time to time. She reached down and undid her holster that was attached to her side, undoing the two pistols that were her most prized companions she owned. She was given them from her beloved father before he was hunted and staked through the heart by the humans she was taught to despise. Through it all she never hated them, she could never hate them, nor could she ever have the courage to take any of their lives. She twirled them in her hands once like the true outlaw she did, never giving into her fears of the zombies. "Alright you bastards .. time to send you back where you belong!" She shouts, one of the rotting hellish, hollow vesseled zombies dragging a limp foot toward the graveyard and near Jack and Kira with a loud groan as if a fresh death rattle. She aimed one of her pistols and did not hesitate although something told her to. Once she did she aimeed, squeezed the trigger and stared, watching the zombie become flung backward with a bullet loddged in it's forehead, resisting an urge to hiss at it as she saw blood squirting out it's fresh wound like a sprinkler.