Sora scratched his head, a bit embarrassed, when Rui started teasing him. He wanted to react to her comment, but all that he could manage were a couple of sounds that didn't exactly form any words. [color=cornflowerblue]"Mooh... Oneechan!"[/color] He said as his cheeks gained a red color and his lips curled into a soft smile. Wolf didn't say anything. He simply nodded in agreement with Lumia's comment. Sora stood up to take Wolf's card. As the game was done, the two Avatar's didn't need to be that far away anymore. The next day, Sora and Rui did go to the zoo. Sora had Wolf in the pocket of his jacket, so that he would be able to see the environment too. Sora felt a bit awkwart being that close to his sister again. It had been a long time since they had gone out like that, just the two of them without family or friends with them. He didn't know how to behave or what to say to her. They even had the whole day together, so he couldn't exactly afford to say something wrong. Wolf chuckled. [color=springgreen]"Don't be so nervous. She's your sister, isn't she?"[/color] Wolf whispered, quiet enough so Rui and Lumia wouldn't hear him. Sora laughed a bit at Wolf's comment. [color=cornflowerblue]"Yeah. I know you're right."[/color] After they got into the zoo, Sora went to take a look at the map. [color=cornflowerblue]"Do you have a preference as to what kind of animals you want to see first?"[/color] Sora said as he tried to sound like a common little brother talking to his big sister. [color=cornflowerblue]"I myself am more of a fan of the aquatic animals, but they seem a little far from the entrance."[/color] Wolf also focused his eyes on the map. [color=springgreen]"Maybe we can visit my namesakes."[/color] Wolf chuckled again.