The mention of gold made Emmaline's eyes light up in spite of her best efforts. She suspected that Neil was simply boasting, perhaps to make her think that he was more than a simple engineer's apprentice. And maybe he was given how he had appeared beside her as if from thin air. Before she could reply however the door banged open. "Neil get in here!" Gunter snapped. Emmaline followed him inside. Otto saw the coat around her shoulders and then looked at Neil his eyes narrowing slightly. The old engineer thrust out the book towards the apprentice, looking weary and irritated. "I don't think it is a good idea but Herr Von Banstuf has his heart set on opening the old mine," The engineer began puffing irritably at a pipe and sending stream of smoke into the air. "Seeing you are banned from Blackpowder Week, I want you to take him out there and inspect the place, should keep you out of trouble," Gunter concluded, his eyes lingering on Emmaline and her borrowed coat when he spoke the word 'trouble'.