Neil smiled slyly at the twinkle in her eyes, but she didn't bite. Not immediately at least. Ranald saw fit to throw him a tails, because his boss came out and found him right there in the street. He could feel his progress skid to a stop with her. Which wasn't the worst of it, of course. He could feel the weight of Master Gunter's gaze on him, the implication he likely had to look for him out back first before realizing he jumped the wall wasn't lost on him. He would pay for it tonight, but the order had him perking up. He supposed he was qualified... "Uh, sure. I mean, yes Master," Neil said, bowing to him. He glanced at Otto, who looked at him past his pudgy nose. Neil tried not to notice. "Good, you leave tomorrow." [hr] [i] The next morning[/i]. The South Gate was one the eastern part of the river, and luckily for Neil it was just beside the Industrial Sector, which surrounded the Gunnery School like a protective wall of commerce. Even early in the morn, smoke and steam wafted into the sky and guards were posted, wielding the famous Wissenland Halberds that gleamed in the rising sun. If Neil worked anywhere other than the Gunnery School, he would have been late. The scoundrel had spent all night on his autonomous cannon, and he hadn't even had the time to test it yet. The last few hours of darkness he had some meager sleep, and he popped up just in time for the early morning bell. Usually it was an annoyance, but it served him well today. Neil walked into view of the small convoy with just his linen shirt and his breeches, along with a small sack which had a blanket he could use if needed. That, and his custom flintlock pistol he had made himself, neatly tucked into the back of his trousers. Carefully he had hid a knife in his sock as well. It always paid to be careful, even for someone as reckless as Neil the Marienburger. Marguerite von Vissenbach had kept his jacket at his offer, telling her she could give it back when she didn't need it anymore. As much to irk Otto and to keep her warm than any kind of flirtation on his part. A dog ran out in front of Neil, looked at him curiously, then scampered off into the next alleyway. Neil smiled at the pup and waved, and kept moving. People walked past him, some even bumping into him and telling him things like "shove off!" or "watch it, herr idiot!" but he paid them no mind. Turning the corner, he saw the two wagons Otto had procured for their expedition, the Metallurgist and his 'date' sitting at the helm of one of them. Unlike yesterday, there were armed men about with them, though all worked for the city it seemed. Nuln's golden and black colors on their plumed hats and tabards would stand out amongst the brush, but at least they were armored with brigandines. Curious how the lady did not provide her own household guard again. "Morning!" He announced simply, having slipped up to them without much notice until he leaped onto the siderail of the cart. Otto gasped and squealed like a pig at the sudden appearance of Neil's smiling face right beside his. "You! Where the hells have you been, boy!? We've been waiting!" He scolded, taking a horse whip and trying to thwap at the engineer, who promptly and easily dodged and leaped off the cart to his feet on the stone street. "You said sunrise, so here I am." Neil replied, shrugging.