Emmaline stumbled through the darkness after Neil. The darkness reeked of orcs but it seemed that the whole pack had rushed to attack the humans who had unexpectedly entered their domain. Even this close to the city of Nuln small bands of greenskins were not unknown, particularly in abandoned areas like this. "Well that is good news," Emmaline agreed. She had noticed that there was an exit marked back in Gunther's office, but there was no guarantee the passage hadn't collapsed and she had no idea how to find it. Outside they could hear the triumphant roars of the orcs outside, indicating that the brief battle had concluded in their favor. Realising she still held the bottle she pulled the cork with her teeth and took a drink to steady her nerves. Reaching down she grapsed around until she found a pebble and lifted it up. "Don't panic or anything," Emmaline warned as she wrapped both her hands around the stone and began to whisper. After a moment a slight golden glow began to radiate from her hands, growing brighter as she opened her hands to reveal the glowing pebble. It would work as a makeshift lantern at least. "Lets get the hells out of here," she encouraged.