[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjIxOC4wMGZmYjkuVG5sdC4w/lovers-quarrel.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=1BF285]Time: 9 am Location: Port Vanarosa-The Seagull Interactions: Helio [@princess], Barboda [@Alivefalling], Éliane [@Benzaiten], and Lizzie [@Tae] Mentions: none Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry, and a lack of rum. [/color] [hr] [color=C1E9EC]So the fairy was a heavy drinking tourist to the port looking for a good time. Even more promising he was free enough with his coin that he was already offering to replace the rum he’d drunk. He had a fine coat and the sword he wore, from what Nym could see, looked extravagant enough that he was betting Helio had amas to spare. The ideal plan was day drinking with the fairy until he'd lost most of his wits and abandoned the foolish tourist at The Sailor’s Pleasure to be fully taken advantage of by the women he considered his extended family. A good deed for the day and perhaps one of the ladies at The Sailor’s Pleasure would have a lead to follow up on in his hunt for a worthy crew to join. They certainly knew the port’s gossip better than any around. The only real flaw in his plans for today was that it involved returning to The Seagull where he’d just left a likely pissed-off demihuman with rather large fists and no time to cool off. [color=1BF285]Ah well, a problem for the near future.[/color] Nym returned Helio’s dramatics with a mock bow and a flourish of his arm. [color=1BF285]“Nym, bastard child of the sea herself. What a pleasure for ya to make my acquaintance.”[/color] He said with a sly and sharp smile. Nym would not allow himself to be outdone, by a fae of all creatures, and he could already tell Helio had an equal taste for attention. Nym found himself slightly irked by the fact that the other man stood a bit taller than him, his preference was for others to have to look up at Nym to meet his gaze, not the other way around. At least orcs were both ugly and simple, it wasn’t even work to stand out amongst them. Helio on the other hand was both well dressed, entertaining, and cut an attractive figure. He was confident that soon he’d have the fairy three sheets to the wind and halfway to the floor in little time and a small difference in height would hardly matter then. Before he had a chance to suggest they head inside and see who had the better handle on their alcohol, Helio was approached by a small group offering the fairy a spot on a crew. A stroke of good fortune, seemed like the fae was far more useful than Nym originally thought. The man who spoke wore armor past the gills and Nym didn’t trust a man whose eyes he couldn’t see. He noted the short red-haired woman, briefly admired the swagger in which she carried herself, but their third companion told him that they traveled in excellent company. He flashed a genuine smile as his eye caught Éliane, a delightful elf he’d encountered once before but Nym never forgot a genuinely interesting person especially when attached to a lovely face. [color=1BF285]“Éliane, darling, ye come to my port, looking for crew and neglect to inform me? I’m wounded.”[/color] He kept his tone light and teasing. [color=1BF285]“Nym, finest sailor here, beloved bastard of the sea herself. Tell me, who be your captain?”[/color] He asked, addressing the trio.[/color]