Jocasta smiled, taking a leather jacket from a hook and looping it around her shoulders. The interior of the ship was climate controlled and it was a little too cool for the exotic dancer outfit she was wearing. Her optical implants reported that all of her drones had been recovered or would be within the next two minutes, the little units flitting back to the Dragonfly like bees returning to a hive. Even at half the bounty she should make a reasonable profit on this run. The cargo bay narrowed as they moved forward, metal bulkheads off specialized manufacturing spaces and a sterile white medical bay. The prisoner she had interrogated lay unconscious on one of the tables, an IV drip keeping him sedated. "Do me a favor an throw him out of the ramp, will you? I already have one extra set of lungs breathing my air." At the end of the corridor between the specialized spaces was a medium sized power lift flanked by two ladders incased in roll cages. She sprang up one of the ladders and onto the A deck corridor which lead past the living spaces, three staterooms, the head and a small galley. The staterooms would have been officer country if the ship were carrying the normal crew of twenty, but the crew quaters had been canibalized for work spaces, the gym and other areas she had needed. Sophisticated autonomous systems, some of the shelf and others custom built made up for the lack of crew, though primarily the crew were necessary in action rather than in normal flight. The cockpit was a broad wedge shaped room similar to a serpents head. There were several stations available but the main area was a circular diaz surrounded by waist high holographic projectors across 270 degrees of arc. As Jocasta stepped onto the cirle of raised metal a curtain of coherent light sprang up around her like a halo, projecting control surfaces and data read outs in dizzying detail. Her hands began to move rapidly as she worked through the start up sequences, bringing the secondary reactor online and then firing up the ion pulse engines. A soft hum filled the ship as she did so. Internal holocams showed that Dirk had completed his task and sealed the hatch, so she touched both hands to the holo screen, spheres of light that represented her controls congealing around her hands, dozens of 'buttons' within finger flex. Raising both hands palm up she lifted the ship feeling the quiver of the engines through her feet, then she dropped one hand and pressed it back, pitching the nose towards the sky and lighting the main drive. There was a quiver as artifical gravity balanced the thrust and on her visual pick ups she saw a vast rooster tail of dust blast up as the ship boosted towards orbit. That probably wasn't comfortable for a prisoner they had just dumped outside, but he would probably live. Not that she was too concerned with that. The Dragonfly shuddered up through the atmosphere and into the sudden smoothness of true space, the ion engines dying away to be relieve by the fission burn of the main drives. A holographic woman appeared at the navigational station, completely realistic save for a slight shimmer when she moved. "Course plotted for jump point Alpha three six Jo," the hologram reported. "Thank you Cygi," Jocasta responded, glancing at the count down till they reached a safe jump distance. "Who is this?" Cygi asked turning in her chair to glance to the back of the bridge. Jocasta turned to see Dirk entering, still in his armor. "This is Dirk," she told the hologram, "he is... lets say a bussiness partner for the next little while."