Piripiri stares out at the lights as she answers, for once unable to fully hide the longing and homesick in her voice. She decides to do the most dangerous thing, and tell the truth. Well, two truths, and a lie. She still has her role to play. "We have grand things. Hy-en-ala the Floating City, which can take a day to walk across and swallows those new enough and foolish enough to not take a guide, so byzantine are the pathways between the various stilt-platforms and mangrove-towers. The hundred monasteries of the dragon-blessed, speckled across the slopes of Greatuncle Fire-eater, each of which practice their own forms and test them against their neighbors, so that we may be best defended against the fey reavers and any angry lava escaping from Greatuncle's mouth, and that demons will never know what to prepare for." She gestures to the city. "We have nothing that matches this" she lies, with a slight smile at the awe of it all. A technical truth, even, the best kind of lie. "None of our cities come from before our arrival," she continues, because that would be heretical, the ancient structures are what the monasteries are built upon, to be closer to the will of heaven. She takes a moment to breath, and take it all in from a distance. It's... impressive, yes. She can easily say that. But she'd rather be home. She can allow herself that desire, at least, before duty calls again.