"Always good to have a back up career in case this one dosen't work out," she quipped but she was already stepping out of her pilots diaz. Cygi took over the controls now that the flight path was simple and there were enough navigational beacons for the AI to handshake with. Jocasta stepped though the rear door and into her cabin. Even a captains cabin on a warship was small, merely a bed a refersher unit and a small desk. She had artifically enhanced the view with high definition holos that showed a panoramic seascape of colorful coral and brightly patterned fish. The bones of an ancient shipwreck were visible in the distance, teeming with exotic life. Reaching under her bed she withdrew a storage tote and pulled on a tight pair of black faux leather pants and then buttoned on a severely cut jacket which looked a little like a naval officers tunic, with red piping on the seams. She pulled on a set of black gloves and then slung a bandolier of capacitor cells over her right shoulder. Going unarmed anywhere in Neo-Mecca, though the better levels were festooned with scanners which would alert the occupants. She gathered her hair back into a pony tail. Finally she selected a large bore laser pistol, a triton arms AP 3, and a wrist mounted launcher unit which wrapped around her arm from just below her elbow. The unit was stocked with a variety of drones rather than grenades, though that might not be obvious to the casual observer. "Alright," she said, stepping out of her cabin. "Cygi keep an eye on the ship while we are gone."