[@POOHEAD189] The sheet of flame spattered into the air and the thugs staggered backwards. A shotgun went off and someone screamed and then they were out into the alley behind the bar. The trio turned just in time to see a man in a flannel shirt at the end of the alley. He had been sitting on the hood of a beat up pick up truck but had jumped to his feet when the door flew open. Caber had just enough time to see the yawning black barrel of the man's 306 rifle before it cracked. Caber felt a flash of heat a microsecond before a wave of bone searing cold the bullet hung in the air frozen in place. The gunman stared in shock, his body trembling as the woman stepped past him and screamed. The sound was cold and soul blasting and agonizing. The bullet exploded backwards in a shower of metal shards, dropping the gunman in a spray of arterial blood. [b]Owe a debt to Mystery Lady[/b]