Neil looked like he was about to fight the fire barehanded for a moment until he realized the flames were her doing. He looked between her and the furnace and then flushed, embarrassed. And then he started to giggle himself. Lower pitched than hers without a doubt, but very much a giggle. He was really starting to like this girl, he decided. He was going to facetiously ask her not to use magic, but he liked being surprised. He supposed he was a glutton for punishment, but he had never been around someone who freely used magic. The only time he had ever seen any spells cast were from swindlers or the odd adept that passed through Marienburg to perform some duty. Never for fun, and the reasoning behind that was completely lost to Neil. "Now I shall try and regain my dignity by checking the perimeter for ruffians and making us a nice dinner, my esteemed lady von Vissenbach," He said, mimicking Otto to the best of his ability whilst giving an extravagant bow. As he stepped away, he poked his head back in and winked. "Let's not call this a picnic, we've had enough near-death experiences for today." Neil was gone for a full five minutes, checking upstairs to make sure no giant spiders had taken residence anywhere, closing any windows that might be open on the first two levels and making sure no patrols were working at such an hour. Following that, he found a few casks of fruit and bread, and even some dried beef. As soon as he began putting the food in a basket, he knew if he ever showed himself alive again and they found out where he had been staying, his student debt would rise considerably. Once he made it back down, he found Emmaline just beside the fire getting warm. Light footed as always, he snuck in like a hunting cat, placing himself just beside her before speaking. "Hope you like apples." She squealed, her eyes popping wide before whipping to glare at him, realizing the joke for what it was. "And here I thought you were going to be a gentleman like the great Otto Von Branstuf," she lamented dramatically, eyes twinkling with mischeif. Neil grabbed an apple, spun it on his finger with surprising balance. "Didn't you hear? I could never understand what it's like to be him, so I'll just be the streetrat I am. "He suddenly let it roll down his other shoulder, right into his other hand to be presented before her to grab at her leisure. "Besides, he can't even have a meal with you without messing it up. I'd say I'm a step ahead, yeah?"