[hider=Sweinfred Haxe Burgermeister] [b]Name:[/b] Sweinfred Haxe Burgermeister. [b]Race:[/b] Sweinfred is a pink-skinned pigman, a race that hails from the Grunting Woods. He stands 163cm tall and has a coat of thin, brisley hairs all over his body. Like most other pigmen, he has no hair on his head, however, so to mimic the fashion of the affluent higher humanoids, he wears a well-groomed white wig. Pigmen are, in spite of the stereotypes of laziness, sloppiness and uncleanliness, surprisingly well-organised and dedicated in their lives. Sweinfred like many of his kin values good hygiene and the finer arts to a high degree, and he strives to live is life in a way that exemplifies that pigfolk are far from dirty and lazy. [hider=Image] [centre][img]https://www.kare.be/84152-thickbox_default/tableau-en-verre-gentleman-pig-120x120cm.jpg[/img][/centre] [/hider] [b]Job:[/b] Sweinfred is the mayor of Lorenstad. As mayor, Sweinfred makes sure to govern and uphold the law of the little town, and welcomes all new inhabitants and helps them settle down. [b]Background:[/b] Mr. Burgermeister hails from a long lineage who first made it big in the truffle business. With the money, old great-great-grandfather Snorto Haxe sent his son, Hocksley Haxe, to the Royal Academy to study law. Hocksley later inherited the family wealth and ventured out into the wilderness to settle down with his wife Pigella and his little piglets. They founded Lorenstad, and since then, the office of mayor has passed down the generations all the way up to Sweinfred. He has like his great-grandfather studied law in Grada and has a multitude of hobbies, including collecting [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4gJY_5eNqQ]magehopper bugs[/url] for their manadew. [b]Home:[/b] Mayor Haxe lives in the house of his great-grandfather, which has since then doubled up as the town hall. It holds way too many rooms for Mayor Haxe’s family, anyway, so why not? [hider=Image][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/038/324/403/large/dimitris-kartakis-highresscreenshot00020.jpg?1622766754[/img][/hider] [b]Birthday:[/b] 30th of Winta. [/hider]