[WIP] Appearance: [img]http://gamingmage.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/dwarf100.jpg[/img] Name: Dorrin Binorix Age: 24 Race: Dwarf Hometown: Vaneel Biography: being born to a middle class family of dwarfs living in Vaneel, opportunities didn't come along that much in Dorrin's life. for most of his childhood, he never really had much and spent a good amount of his time learning the arts of crafting metals with his father, which was what there people were known for. at first he enjoyed doing work in crafting weapons and other forms of metal, but there soon came a time when he felt like he wanted do something more with his life. even though it seemed like he was only going to be a part of his father's work, his chance to do something different, came not too long after he had understood his desire to try something new. he decided to join Shattermane Academy, and learn to become a legendary Dragoon. Dragonartes: Skyfall – The user ascends into the air, and collapses on a target from a high distance. Leaves the user open to aerial attacks. Scalding Palm – The user channels volcanic heat into their next physical blow. Explodes on impact causing scorches and recoil damage. Weapon(s): [hider=maces][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j32LIAV1IC4/UcSH8UpyOYI/AAAAAAAAARE/FlRAFOtl-Nk/s1600/mace.jpg[/img][/hider] He usually ether uses two maces or just one. they are named Gullnin and Hanor. the maces are made out of a very rare form of metal known as dragon steel, which is said to be forged from the scales of dragons and mixed with the metal of steel to create a type of steel that is very powerful and great for weapons. Roleplaying Sample: The ground shook as the dragon landed with a loud thud, about fifteen feet away from Dorrin, and the dwarf knew what was coming next. The large creature gave a roar and shot a jet of flames out its mouth, straight towards him. Dorrin used the Dragonarte ability known as Skyfall to jump incredibly high into the air above the burning inferno, and he had his twin maces in his hands, ready to strike. He came down on top of the dragon with a powerful blow to its head. His maces made contact with the dragon's head and the blow hit it with a great amount of force. Dorrin then tried to keep balance on top of the beast's head so that he could land more blows to the dragon. While he tried as hard as he could remain on the beast's head, Dorrin attempted to clobber the dragon's skull and tried to bring it down with his blows. He hoped that this was giving his companions time to figure out a way to successfully defeat the monster. Dorrin was not able to hold onto the dragon's head for very long thanks to the beast thrashing about from his blows, and was eventually flung off with great force towards the rocky ground. He hit the ground with a good amount of force and was dazed for a couple of seconds. In those seconds the dragon had closed in on him and was preparing to bite down on Dorring when one of his comrades entered the fray by using his Zephyr Dash to move at great speed and pulled him away from oncoming teeth, avoiding death by just a foot. Even though Dorrin wasn't a practitioner of the Zephyr Dash technique, he knew that the side effect of the ability was a bad case of vertigo and that wasn't a good thing to have in a dragon's lair with all the high stones and the large piles of gold. Once they got a good distance from the beast, Dorring told his comrade, "Thank you for saving my life, I could have been a dragon's meal if it wasn't for you/" "It was no problem, we are comrades and we most help each other if we want to succeed at killing the dragon. He had joined the Shattermane academy hoping to find adventure in his life and he had found it. Now all he was worried about was staying alive and slaying the dragon, he hoped that fortune would be in his favor with both of those goals.